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It stimulates your nervous system, keeping you more awake, active, and aware of your environment.

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Q: How does caffine affect your body?
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How does caffeine affect the heart rate as you get older?

Caffine will speed up the heart rate.

What are all the ways caffeine could get into the body?

Caffine can get in pretty much in any opening in your body wether it's a solid liquid or gas

Why Do People Drink Caffine?

it gives your body a boost, healthwise some research says it prevents several diseases

Does 7up have caffine?


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What are the elements in a Caffine?


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How heavy is Coca-Cola?

by contaning caffine in it as well as thums-up contains caffine so it as haram as cocacola

Is Caffine a liquid?

no it is a white powder

Does sunkist have caffine?

There is caffeine in sunkist.

What are the ingredients in 5 hour energy?

A lotta caffine much caffine its like 10 times as coca cola