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CO2 - Otherwise called carbon dioxide effects our climate in many different ways. The way it works is that basically certain 'greenhouse gases' can't escape from our atmosphere because they get trapped. CO2 is what plants need to create oxygen etc. But when there is too much CO2 being admitted into our environment from burning fossil fuels, cars etc, and we are cutting down trees for paper - it is imbalanced and now it has started to catch up with us. a.k.a global warming. Because these gases are trapped in our atmosphere, they have more time to collect heat from our atmosphere and the sun - thus making our climate increase in heat. This then triggers ice caps to melt and floods to occur and then one day we will face a world with no more fresh water and many extinct animals who cannot survive in warm climates.

Carbon Dioxide would indirectly effect us by increasing global warming, melting the polar ice caps and flooding the world!


Global warming is a fraud and a fallacy. Look up John Coleman (He's the founder of the Weather Channel and a top notch meteorologist.) on Google, and he'll debunk the entire global warming myth in a single post. Look up his videos on YouTube and he'll thoroughly explain why global warming is a myth and how it's become so popular today. As John Coleman once wrote about global warming, " It is the greatest scam in history."

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13y ago
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15y ago

No. Carbon dioxide is a natural constituent of the atmosphere and pretty much always has been. Contrary to popular myth, the concentrations of CO2 have declined over the aeons, not increased as some poorly informed "environmentalists" believe. In general, the concentrations fluctuate. Currently, CO2 concentrations in the ambient are are about 350 ppm (give or take, depending on the reference cited).

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11y ago

Carbon dioxide doesn't really hurt the atmosphere. Venus and Mars both have atmospheres comprised primarily of CO2.

CO2 is also a necessary constituent of our atmosphere for plant respiration (photosynthesis) and for keeping the earth warm. What is harmed by increasing the abundance of CO2 are the many species that have become acclimated to the current temperature, including our own species. As CO2 levels rise, we expect storm energy to increase, making for more violent weather conditions. Glacial melt water will raise ocean levels, flooding many low lying coastal areas. There will be numerous other harms, but none to the atmosphere itself, particularly.

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12y ago

Both. It is required for photosynthesis by plants, and provides carbonated water for soda and dry ice for keeping things frozen or cold. But carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is also a greenhouse gas that can cause atmospheric warming.

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