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Carbon dioxide is produced by the raising agents in cakes.

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6y ago

Sugar reacts with yeast, producing carbon dioxide as a 'waste' product. The carbon dioxide gas creates bubbles in the dough. The bubbles expand - making the dough rise.

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Q: How does carbon dioxide work as a raising agent?
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Cement work might reduce carbon dioxide why?

The cement work cannot reduce carbon dioxide. In fact, the cement work increases carbon dioxide because carbon dioxide is emitted during the production of cement.

What are the word equations for processes that release or store carbon doixide?

Some of the process that fix carbon dioxide are limewater + carbon dioxide equals calcium carbonate + water. Another is calcium carbonate + water + carbon dioxide = aqueous calcium bicarbonate. These equations work in reverse to release carbon dioxide.

How carbon dioxide from cell in you hand leaves your body?

Carbon dioxide, made by the cells as they do their work, moves out of the cells into the capillaries, where most of it dissolves in the plasma of the blood. Blood rich in carbon dioxide then returns to the heart via the veins.

How go photosynthesis and respiration work together in the biosphere?

Photosynthesis takes in carbon dioxide and releases oxygen. Resperation takes in oxygen and releases carbon dioxide.

What two components of photosynthesis must work together?

carbon dioxide and oxygen

Why carbon dioxide is used in laparoscopy?

Carbon dioxide causes the abdomen to swell, which lifts the abdominal wall away from the internal organs. That way, the doctor has more room to work.

When you burn a fuel what is released that allows work to be done?

Carbon Dioxide is release allowing work to be done.

When animals exhale do they give off carbon dioxide like humans?

Animals usually exhale carbon dioxide as a waste product, but if we we work hard and can't get enough oxygen, we inhale carbon dioxide giving off an acid that gives us muscle cramps.

Can cell catabolyze carbon dioxide?

No, carbon dioxide is produced through cellular respiration. If cells could just break down carbon dioxide the production of ATP would not work.

Which of the following body systems work with the circulatory system takes in oxygen carbon dioxide?

The respiratory system takes in oxygen and releases carbon dioxide. It works closely with the circulatory system.

What is produced when a fuel burns?

It depends on the fuel and how well it burns. For example, methane, ethane, propane, butane, petrol, ethanol, sugar, etc. will give water & carbon dioxide if burnt fully; however, imperfect burning can produce carbon monoxide or carbon. Burning hydrogen, on the other hand, produces water.

Is baking soda a drying agent?

Generally, no. Baking soda is used a raising agent. It wouldn't work well as a drying agent because it makes things basic, which can give foods a soapy taste.