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Q: How does carbon in a producer get passed on to other organisms?
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Why is grass considered a producer?

Grass is considered a producer because animals eat it to survive.

How did Glucose enter the food chain?

Plants (and some protists and bacteria) take carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and use it to make glucose through photosynthesis. They are then eaten by other organisms that break down the glucose for energy and carbon building blocks. Glucose is only in the food chain when the producer is eaten. The energy and matter is then passed on from the consumer in other chemical forms as they are eaten.

Is a prairie dog a consumer or producer?

A prairie dog is a consumer because it feeds on other organisms. consumer=an organism that feeds on other organisms producer=makes energy for self

Can a producer be a heterotroph?

A producer can not be a heterotroph. This is because if an organism is a producer it means it makes its own energy and does not eat other organisms.

Is grass a consumer or producer?


Where do consumers get their carbon?

From other organisms .

How does chemoheterotrophs obtain carbon?

from eating other organisms. human is an example

Is spirogyra a producer or consumer?

The Fungus is a consumer by definition because it needs to get its nutrition from the decomposition of other organisms.

Is a producer an organism that eats other organisms?

No, a producer is an organism that produces it's own food via (by) photosynthesis. An organism that consumes (eats) other organisms is called a consumer.

Is an oyster a secondary producer?

No. There is NO SUCH THING as a "secondary" producer. There are only "producers" and these are ALL plants. All other organisms are CONSUMERS.

How do heterotrophs get carbon molecules?

By feeding on other organisms.

Heterotrophs are organisms that can what?

Heterotrophs are organisms that depend on other organisms for their source of food and nutrition