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Here are some things that wouldn't be possible without the field of chemistry. No plastic. That's no plastic bags, no CDs or DVDs, no iPods, no plastic silverware or plastic cups and plates, no scotch tape, no styrofoam, no synthetic fabics (like nylon, fleece, rayon, and kevlar). Most of your car is made of plastic too.No driving fancy cars!No gasoline.No pharmaceuticals. Modern medicine wouldn't exist. No aspirin, no pain killers!No water purification. Drinking water would make you sick half the time. Most of sewage treatment is done using chemistry.No synthetic fertilizers. Farming and food production wouldn't be nearly as productive and starvation would be a massive problem. Insecticides are also made by chemists.No paint. No cosmetics. No processed foods. we use chemistry in making, cosmetics, food, fertilizers and medic en.No air conditioning. No refrigeration.No soap and cleaning products. No Photography. No televisions. No radios. No computers. No glue. No batteries. No electricity in your house.There's probably nothing you've done today that wasn't made thanks to chemistry. You'd pretty much have to go back to living in a cave to get away from it!You know, you probably wouldn't even be alive if it wasn't for chemistry. Chemical reactions are happening every second in your body, keeping you alive (and sane!). Chemistry doesn't make our lives easier, it makes them possible. on the other hand, no chemistry no bullet, no N-weapon. no warship…no 911 attract.

Chemicals can keep bread fresher longer (APEX!)

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15y ago

Chemistry is a type of bond between two atoms that holds them together under ordinary conditions and it is all so a study of elements and their laws of combination and behaviors. chimisry is everywhere for example in your food, outside, or even chemicals. Dying your hair are the chemicals, eggs are the food and even the air which is the outside.

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How does chemistry became part of your everyday life?

By being ubicuous - up to and including the food you eat.

Give three examples of the many applications of chemistry in everyday life?

cooking, cleaning, driving

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The Bible, The Ten Commandments, The Beatitudes, and faith as a grain of mustart seed.

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Drama can build confidence in everyday life. It can also aid public speaking skills.

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Chemistry has several important aspects in a person's life. It is used in taking proper medication, determining edible food and even using everyday chemicals such as detergents or toothpastes.

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yes,because mixture is a mixing of two or three things ,as in chemistry life it happens every time.

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Everything that happens around you is explained by Chemistry and Physics. They are the branches of physical science.

Impact of chemistry in everyday life?

I'm not a fan of studying chemistry, but the impact of chemistry in everyday life is huge. Just washing the dishes or the clothes, and cooking all require chemical reactions. Merely living is chemistry. Even as you breathe, as your heart pumps blood around your body, as your brain thinks, every movement...all require chemical reactions. This world, you and I are a collection of ions and electrons and protons and substances etc etc..

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