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Q: How does child labor in the Ivory coast affect the US?
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Where does Hershey's get there cocoa?

Hershey gets their cocoa beans from the Ivory Coast. They also get their milk from local farmers.

Who does child labor affect most?

the nation

How does child labor affect exploited children?

by nothing

How does sweatshops and child labor affect the world today?

Well if America had child labor all of our items could be way cheaper

How does child labor affect people?

it doesnt really affect us but if it stopped then it may

Who does child labor affect?

children from the age of 5 - 13

What child labor laws came into affect during the Industrial Revolution?

Fair Labor Standard Act

How does child labor affect Africa?

becouse africa is most poorset country in the world

How does child labor affect the children of the child?

the hole sha bang effectan them answered by testbourne community school student

Where does Nestle buy cocoa?

Nestle buys their cocoa beans at commodities exchanges. At the commodities exchanges, Ivorian cocoa is mixed with other cocoa. The cocoa beans they buy are originally from cocoa plantations in the Ivory Coast. In the Ivory Coast they have many cocoa plantations where children work as slaves. This means that Nestle is okay with child labor. Children are trafficked to these plantations. Human trafficking of children is a form of human trafficking. It is defined as the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring, or receiving of children for the purpose of exploitation. Exploitation of children can take many forms, including forcing a child into prostitution, other forms of sexual activity, or child pornography. Child exploitation can also include forced labor or services, slavery, or practices similar to slavery, servitude, the removal of organs, illicit international adoption, trafficking for early marriage, recruitment as child soldiers, for use in begging, as atheletes (child camel jockeys or football players) or for recruitment for cults. Sources: Wikipedia, The Dark Side of Chocolate (Short film)

What organization wanted to end child labor?

Knights of Labor ended child labor.

What are hypothesis of child labor?

the hypothesis of child labor are many