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Cholesterol contributes to hypertension (high blood pressure) when it deposits itself in veins and arteries. Normally, your body is able to dilate blood vessels if your blood pressure rises in order to bring it back to a stable level. However, if cholesterol deposits itself in your arteries, they lose a large amount of their elasticity, leading to hypertension.

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Q: How does cholesterol contribute to hypertension?
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Which is not a result of hypertension?

The liberal excretes excess cholesterol in bile

Is there a pill you can take to control your hypertension and high cholesterol?

diet and exercise

What most directly causes hypertension?

High cholesterol levels, and not enough exercise.

What will fat and cholesterol in the bloodstream lead to?

atherosclerosis which leads to hypertension even heart attack

What is HDL Cholesterol commonly known as?

What is HDL (high-density lipoprotein) cholesterol? This type of cholesterol is commonly called "bad " cholesterol. It can contribute to the formation of plaque

What diseases does chlorella treat?

Cancer, high cholesterol, hypertension (high blood pressure), fibromyalgia syndrome.

If you have hypertension which is being treated and high cholesterol which is not Would it be better to treat the cholesterol instead in the hope that the hypertension reduces as a consequence?

Not necessarily because the hypertension may not be the result of the high cholesterol. It certainly could be, but there are many other factors that could be as well. Hypertension also presents the most immediate risk, in that a person is at constant risk of having an event (heart attack, stroke, ect...) particularly during certain activities or times of the day. So removing or reducing pharmaceutical treatment could be fatal. On the other hand, high cholesterol buildup (plaque) in arteries, particularly those that feed blood to the heart, is a very serious longer term problem and the cause of many heart attacks. So if you had to choose one to treat, I say treat the hypertension because reducing total cholesterol and/or the proportion and makeup may not bring blood pressure to a safe normal level. Essentially the goal of the physician is to keep people alive and the hypertension presents the most immediate risk.

Which lipoprotein is known to contribute to cardiovascular disease?

LDL- Bad Cholesterol

What disease an abnormal cholesterol profile will contribute to?

Rapid hair growth

Is sugar bad for hypertension?

Consuming excess sugar can contribute to weight gain and obesity, which are risk factors for hypertension. Additionally, sugary foods and drinks can lead to insulin resistance and increased inflammation, both of which can contribute to high blood pressure. It's recommended to limit added sugars in your diet to help manage hypertension.

What health conditions have been linked with income?

Diabetes, Cardiovascular Disease (CVD), hypertension, depression, obesity, high cholesterol....

What types of foods contain fats that do not contribute to cholesterol?

I don't fawking know