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Blue plastic wrap, of course, reflects blue light, so putting you plant under blue plastic wrap denies the plant of that wavelength.

Now the majority of light that the sun gives out is yellow, so it only makes sense that plants have evolved to maximize their exploitation of that particular wavelength. As a consequence green light has been sacrificed as that is the colour that chlorophyll (the yellow exploiting pigment) reflects. Even though green light has more energy than yellow there is less of it so it is favourable for the plant to go for the yellow as the over-all sum of the energy it receives by this method is higher.

Now chlorophyll reflects green but does absorbs higher blue and violet. These wavelengths are very high energy and even though there isn't very much of them they are capable (due to their high energy quantum) to drive reactions that yellow light cannot. For this reason there are a few photosynthetic reactions that the plant uses blue light for to make rare but important compounds.

So by putting your plant under blue plastic wrap you are denying the plant the production of rare but important compounds, which it now has to obtain by so other less productive means.

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3mo ago

Colored plastic wrap can affect plant growth by altering the wavelengths of light that reach the plants. Different colors will filter out or allow in different amounts of light, which can impact photosynthesis and overall growth. It's important to choose the appropriate color based on the specific needs of the plants being grown.

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9y ago

Using green plastic wrap can cause a plant's growth to suffer. This is because it reflects green light and absorbs other colors.?æ

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Clear saran wrap does not significantly affect plant growth as it allows light to pass through. Colored saran wrap can impede light transfer and potentially hinder plant growth. Colored saran wrap can typically be found in stores that sell kitchen supplies, party decorations, or art supplies.

How does a gentle touch affect the growth of at the plant?

A gentle touch can stimulate plant growth by triggering a response in the plant called thigmomorphogenesis. This response can lead to changes in cell elongation, stem strength, and overall plant development. Additionally, gentle touching can encourage the plant to produce more essential hormones and proteins that aid in growth.

Could Color water affects growth of plants?

Coloring water can affect plant growth if the dye contains chemicals that may be harmful to the plants. Additionally, colored water can potentially block sunlight or affect the plant's ability to perform photosynthesis, which can impact its growth. It is generally not recommended to use colored water when watering plants unless the dye is proven to be safe for plant growth.

What is a chemical that affects plant growth?

Plastic is inert when it comes to plant growth, as long as the quality of the product is good. Plastic is commonly used material in as containers for plant propagation (containers/ pot and bags)

Will different light colors affect plant growth?

Yes, different light colors can affect plant growth. Plants absorb different wavelengths of light for photosynthesis, with red and blue light being the most important. Red light promotes flowering and fruiting, while blue light is essential for vegetative growth. Green light is not as effectively absorbed by plants and can actually hinder growth if it is the dominant color.

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