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it uses its therminology to preduce these molicules which grows towards the sun and the cress grows happily.

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14y ago
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11y ago

yes cress does grow better in the dark but goes yellow after because it is not getting enough sunlight as it needs to grow and also live

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How will sunlight affect cress seeds to grow?

Sunlight signals for germination of cress seeds

How does cress grow?

in pots oviously

Can you grow cress in soil?


What is the average height of cress?

The average height of the cress plant is 3cm - 15cm. If you water cress in a solution of water & sugar will make the plant grow better!

How do you grow cress seeds without soil?

Just put the cress seeds in water and it'll work in days

What plant will grow the quickest from a seed?

Mustard or cress.

How long does it take to grow cress seeds?

Watercress can mature in 5 days.

What equipment will be needed to effectively grow a plant such as cress in a classroom?

find out in a book

What do cress seeds need to grow?

you need Soil or Cotton with water you need water and sunlight

What is cress in Tamil?

there are many type of cress ,garden cress,water cress ...- alivirai in tamil,leaves and roots used for

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What are the effects of competition between cress seeds?

The effects are that the more competitive, 'stronger' seedlings will out grow the 'weaker' seedlings.