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Q: How does cytokinesis differ in plant and animalHow do?
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How does cytokinesis ina male differ from that in a human female?

The process of cytokinesis is the same in both males and females. Cytokinesis refers to division of cytoplasm. Cytokinesis occurs at the end of mitosis and meiosis.

How does cytokinesis occur in a plant?

Cell Plate

How do cell that do not undego cytokinesis differ in appearance from cell that do undergo cytokinesis?

Cells that do not undergo cytokinesis will have multiple nuclei, while cells that do undergo cytokinesis will have only one nucleus.

In plant cells what does cytokinesis require the new formation of?

a cell plate

What types of cells which would form a cell plate during cytokinesis human skin cell animal cell plant cell or an amoeba?

In plant cell, cell plate is formed during cytokinesis.

What does not belong cleavage furrow cytokinesis spindle fiber cell plate?

Cleavage furrow.Cell plate formation only occurs in plant cells. Spindle fiber is found in plant cells and cytokinesis occurs in plant cells.Cleavage furrow doesn't occur in plant cells and is the only one not to.

What structure do plant cells have during cytokinesis that animal cells do not have?

Plant cells form a cell plate between the two new nuclei during cytokinesis. The cell plate form the cell walls for the two new plant cells. The cell plate formation takes place in plant cells during cytokinesis from the material received from Golgi bodies.

What does cytokinesis in plant cells look like?

Cytokinesis in plant cells is quite different from cytokinesis in animal cells. There is no cleavage furrow in plant cell division. Instead, vesicles produced by the Gogli apparatus line up at the center of the plant cell during telophase. These vesicles, containing phospholipids, fuse together and create a cell plate. The cell plate continues to elongate and fuses with the wall of the parent cell. At the end of cytokinesis in plants, the products are two new daughter cells, each with a nucleus and cell wall.

What does not play a role in cytokinesis in plant cells?

Well in theory everything plays a role in cytokinesis. From photosynthesis and respiration in plant cells to provide and release energy for the process, to a person undergoing respiration to return carbon atoms to the environment to provide material for additional cell division (in which cytokinesis is a part of the process).

In plant cells cytokinesis requires the formation of a new?

Cell Wall <3

What structure do animal cells have during cytokinesis that plant cells do not?

a cell plate

How does a animal cell differ from a plant cell during the cell division?

In animal cells,centrioles self replicate,plant cells do not have centrioles Animal cells form asters,plant cells do not Cytokinesis is done by cleavage furrowing in animal cells while plant cells form a cell plate