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As people age, one of the things that happen to their fluids, especially those produced by exocrine glands, is that it is produced in lesser volumes. As a result their senses of smell and taste seem to diminish. That is one reason why elderly people either loose interest in eating or get undernourished, or they crave spicier food. In some cases their appreciation for food may even increase for no apparent reason other than maybe their lives have less stress and so their body actually produces more saliva.

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Q: How does decrease in saliva affect an older person's appetite?
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Not unless you make out with a dog. But other than that, why would you mix the two?

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The hepatitis B virus can be present in an infected persons' saliva. However, it does not appear to be the case that this means an infected patients' saliva is also dangerous, like their blood is.

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HIV cant spread that way, HIV can only spread with contract with the infection persons bodily fluids and also if there was saliva exchanged it wouldn't matter, because HIV can't spread by saliva because it gets broken down.

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The non secretion of saliva would affect the digestion of food because the salivary glands secrete more than just saliva.. they secrete enzymes like salivary amylase which breaks down starch into sugar.. and the saliva also holds he food together and makes it easier for the food to move down the food pipe. IF ANY OF THE MT PPL ARE LOOKING AT THIS.. THIS IS SOMEONE FROM XVAC..:)

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