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Assuming you are not overly allergic to mosquitoes or insect bites, a normal bite will look like a red or white bump with some redness surrounding it. A bite from a mosquito carrying dengue will appear larger, redder, and be itchier. It may turn a purplish color and spread a small rash as well.

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11y ago

I guess like a normal mosquito bite! (:

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Q: How does dengue mosquito bite looks like?
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It looks like a big mosquito bite..

How can dengue spread?

Dengue is a flu-like viral disease that is spread by the bite of an infected mosquito (Aedes mosquito). It occurs in the tropical regions of the world and cases in the US are mainly travelers returning from abroad, although, risk is growing for people living along the Texas-Mexico border. Dengue hemorrhagic fever is a severe and fatal complication of dengue.

What is the name of the dengue carrier mosquito?

Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus mosquitoes are the only ones that have the ability to transmit dengue virus to humans. In both species the cause of bite are the females need blood to produce eggs.

What happens if male mosquito bite?

a male mosquito can bite you, but they tend to bite animals. Usually large ones like horses

Your child has a red spot on her head that itches you checked for head lice looks like a mosquito bite but now raised what could this be?

it might be a rash if it spreds. or it might be a horse fly bite.

How does dengue fever kill you?

Dengue Fever, West Nile Virus and Malaria have to develope in the body of the Vector ( our mosquito). Most authorities seem to agree that if a mosquito that has taken a blood meal from a carrier (an infected bird, human etc) needs at least 9 days before it can transmit the virus to a new host.We in North America have to get Dengue the old fashion way. Infected host via the Vector (mosquito) to new host. In most cases the first bout with this visus can be Flu like symptoms. Unfortunately the second bout with Dengue Fever is not as forgiving as the first.

What does a black ant's bite look like?

I was bitten a few times on my leg by a little black ant a couple of days ago. The bite sights itch and look like mosquito bites! I'm trying not to itch...

Is there a database of mosquito bite pictures?

There are several websites that offer some great pictures of various mosquito bites. My personal favorite is mosquito bite pictures dot com, you can also try sites like web md.

What does mosquito look like when not flying?

View the Related Link below to see what a mosquito looks like when it isn't flying.

How does a dengue mosquito bite look like?

The bite from a Zika infected mosquito does not look any different than a regular mosquito bite. Most people that are infected with Zika will never even show symptoms. However, when symptoms do appear, they are usually similar to the flu, joint pain, fever, stiffness. They may also display bloodshot eyes and a skin rash.

Is dingue fever infectious?

Yes Dengue is infectious dieseaseDengue fever pronounced as 'Den ghee' is caused by the bite of an infected mosquito and is a viral disease imitating flu. The term as such is from Swahili phrase 'ki denga pepo' that means 'cramp like seizures caused by an evil spirit'. Dengue virus fever is common in most tropical places of the world namely Asia, Africa, Australia and the Pacific. Caribbean basin has widespread cases of dengue. Dengue usually breaks out immediately after the rains in the tropical and subtropical areas.

Do gnates have a stinger?

Gnats do not have a stinger but they have a mouth similar to a mosquito. They cannot penetrate through clothing like a mosquito can but they bite and suck your blood.