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It is used as a bronzer and reacts with the proteins in your body to produce color. It is safe and regulated by the FDA. It is also used when you get a spray tan or mystic tan.

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Do indoor tanning products work outdoors?


Where can I purchase tanning products?

Tanning products can be purchased at a variety of locations depending on the type of tanning product you are in need of. Local drug stores, grocery stores as well as online stores are great places to look for tanning products.

What can you use on your skin for tanning other than the tanning products?

Lotions with cocoa butter can help with tanning. Products with shea butter mimics sunscreen.

Successful Use of New Tanning Products?

Tanning enthusiasts enjoy trying new products at the tanning salon they frequent. To avoid incident, precautions should be taken when considering new tanning products. Days leading up to an important event is not the time to try something new. A reaction to the product may occur, resulting in an uncomfortable, unsightly redness to the skin. Testing products on a small patch of skin prior to full body use safeguards against an embarrassing and painful reaction to new tanning products. Practicing patience to ensure there will be no reaction is ideal with any new tanning products.

What is your position called if you work at a tanning salon?

Tanning Technician

Do St. Tropez tanning products have any outstanding recalls?

I could find no evidence that any of St. Tropez's tanning products have any outstanding recalls.

Which tanning spray product is the best and least harmful?

There are two basic types of spray tanning products. One type is done at a professional tanning salon where you enter a booth or have a person spray the tanning product onto you. The other type is a spray tanning product you apply yourself at home. Home based spray tanning products can be tricky to apply and can be a bit messy. There are also tanning creams you can apply at home which can be a bit easier to apply. Clarins Self Tanning Instant Gel and Jergens Natural Glow Revitalizing Daily Moisturizer had the best reviews on Consumer Reports for home tanning products.

Do tanning bed work faster then sun tanning?

yes. because the UV is more direct in tanning beds.

What are some good at home tanning products?

There are a lot of good self tanning products, a lot of them are made by a company called Australian Gold. Most of these are good and worth the money they cost.

Where can I buy tanning spray?

A great option for self tanning spray is Bath & Body Works. They have a great line of aerosol self tanners and other sunless tanning products.

what sun tanning products are the best?

You asked me which sun tanning product is the best. So I did a search for top son tanning product and found out that Maui Babe is being called the fastest and the best tanning lotion in the world!

What types of sunless tanning products are there?

There are a variety of sunless tanning products. There are lotions, foams, sprays, towelettes and oils. There are also a variety of shades to choose from. The different shades apply to your particular skin tones.