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The lungs become black like tar and the dust collects on them, making you cough a lot. You are not able to breathe properly if you are athsmatic and a smoker. This kills you a lot quicker than a normal smoker (a.k.a: a non-athsmatic). Please do not smoke if you have athsma. My friend died when she tried it and she ended up with extreme lung cancer, it was very painful saying goodbye to her. STOP SMOKING AND PASS AROUND THE MESSAGE TO ANY OTHER PERSON YOU KNOW WHO DOES IT!

Please! For our world! Ok, now, I'm starting to sound like a science nerd.

<3 peace 2 da planet

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11y ago

you inhale or smoke it and if you inhale it it goes through your trachea which is a windpipe.

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Q: How does dirt get into your lungs?
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How is a epithelial cell adapted to remove dirt from people's lungs?

A ciliated epithelial cell is adapted to remove dirt from people's lungs.

What problems do smokers have when the cilia are affected?

the problems they have are that the dirt that is in the lungs does not brushed out by the cilia, causing the lungs to be filled with black dirt, making it harder to breathe.

What is silia?

Hairs in the Trachea that keep out dirt from the lungs.

What do Villi in the lungs pickup?

Dirt and contaminants from the inspired air.

What is the function of the ciliated cells in the lungs?

to clear away mucus and dirt

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Can inhaling massive amounts of kicked up dirt be harmful to your lungs?

Yes. Sand and dirt have very sharp little razors. Just living in a desert climate can be harmful to your lungs.

What can smoking do to the cells?

inside your lungs there are some cells called cillia they are little hairs that sway side to side hat remove dust and dirt from your lungs. when you smoke you are killing those cells thus all the dirt stays in your lungs making it hard for you to breath

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How do throat cells stop dirt from going into your lungs?

They don't the only way to keep dirt from going into your throat is to breathe through your nose where your nose hair and mucus provide traps for dirt. Yout throat cells have tiny hairs which trap and prevent dust and dirt from going into your body, you also have these cells in your nose too.

Why is the surface of the lungs smooth and slimy?

The mucous/slime traps dirt, and then you cough it up

How does the human nose produce mucus And WHY?

To trap dirt,and other particles that can cause harm to the lungs.