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Q: What are the tiny hairs called that sweep outr dirt in the lungs?
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Which body part would you find cells with hair like structures?

In the airways of the lungs, cells have waving hair-like structures called cilia. They sweep dirt and germs out of the airways

What is the purpose of the little hairs inside our nose?

These tiny hairs are called "cilia", and their purpose is simple: they line the respiratory tract in order to trap dust and dirt that we inhale. They do this by moving from side to side and catching the particles, aided somewhat by mucus. The dirt particles are then carried to the back of our throat, where we swallow them, leaving the stomach acid to kill the bacteria and other microbes. Smoking anaesthetises these cilia, so they are no longer mobile, making them inefficient in trapping germs, leaving the smoker prone to infection.

What is the cell that remove dust particles in the trachea?

Some cells that are found in the upper and lower respiratory tract have tiny hairs called cilia on them. They are found in the lungs, respiratory tract and middle ear. These cilia have a rhythmic waving or beating motion. They work, in this case, to keep the airways clear of mucus and dirt, allowing us to breathe easily and without irritation.

What problems do smokers have when the cilia are affected?

the problems they have are that the dirt that is in the lungs does not brushed out by the cilia, causing the lungs to be filled with black dirt, making it harder to breathe.

What do ear hairs do?

its one of the bodies natural basically acts as an type of insect repellent

Related questions

What are the Tiny hairs that act like tiny brooms to sweep out dirt?

They occur on the surface of specialised cells and are called "cilia".

What is silia?

Hairs in the Trachea that keep out dirt from the lungs.

How does the ciliated cell adapt?

well basically the ciliated cells line all the air passages in your lungs.they have tiny hairs which filter the air as it blows through the hairs also sweep mucus (snot) with trapped dust and bacteria up to the back of the throat where it is swallowed.

What is Lined with ciliated mucous membranes?

Little hairs called Cilia, which help filter dust from the air as it passes into the lungs.

How do throat cells stop dirt from going into your lungs?

They don't the only way to keep dirt from going into your throat is to breathe through your nose where your nose hair and mucus provide traps for dirt. Yout throat cells have tiny hairs which trap and prevent dust and dirt from going into your body, you also have these cells in your nose too.

What can smoking do to the cells?

inside your lungs there are some cells called cillia they are little hairs that sway side to side hat remove dust and dirt from your lungs. when you smoke you are killing those cells thus all the dirt stays in your lungs making it hard for you to breath

Filters air before it enters the other parts of the respiratory tract?

There are tiny hairs called Cilia which lines the airway. Possibly this is what you are thinking about. These tiny hairs trap dirt particles in the air and move them out of the lungs.

What is the tiny hairs in your nose?

The little hairs in your nose are called cilia. Cilia are used to help keep dirt and dust particles from going into your lungs. when the cilia have collected enough dirt, it mixes with mucus and ends up as mucus excertement (boogers). Make sure to blow you nose often and to not sniff dirt!

Which body part would you find cells with hair like structures?

In the airways of the lungs, cells have waving hair-like structures called cilia. They sweep dirt and germs out of the airways

What is the name of the tiny hairs that filter dust and germs out of the air entering the respiratory system?

Cilia are the tiny hairs that sweep dust and dirt out of the respiratory system.

What is the function of a ciliated cell in the airway?

The ciliated cells has tiny hairs on it, called cilia, which sweep mucus, which is produced by goblet cells, up the airway. The mucus traps dirt particles and stop them from entering the lungs and causing infection. The ciliated cell therefore sweeps mucus up the airway where it is either swallowed or coughed out.

Why is the ciliated epithelial cell good at its job?

Because the 'hairs' on the top which are called Stereo cilia help it sweep away the dust and dirt particles found in the air. :D And Im Eleven! X iiim Ammazingg!