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They occur on the surface of specialised cells and are called "cilia".

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Q: What are the Tiny hairs that act like tiny brooms to sweep out dirt?
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What are the tiny hairs called that sweep outr dirt in the lungs?


How does the ciliated cell adapt?

well basically the ciliated cells line all the air passages in your lungs.they have tiny hairs which filter the air as it blows through the hairs also sweep mucus (snot) with trapped dust and bacteria up to the back of the throat where it is swallowed.

What is the name of the tiny hairs that filter dust and germs out of the air entering the respiratory system?

Cilia are the tiny hairs that sweep dust and dirt out of the respiratory system.

Why are brooms important to colonial people?

brooms are important to colonial people because they were used to sweep out the barn or house. They sweeped out dirt, grass, hay, and anything else that was unwanted in the house or barn.

How do throat cells stop dirt from going into your lungs?

They don't the only way to keep dirt from going into your throat is to breathe through your nose where your nose hair and mucus provide traps for dirt. Yout throat cells have tiny hairs which trap and prevent dust and dirt from going into your body, you also have these cells in your nose too.

What is ciliated cell's adptation?

Ciliated cells help to clear dust and dirt from your airways with tiny hairs.

What effect does tar have on the cillia?

The tar from the cigarettes sticks to the cilia, the tiny hair-like structures that line the airways in the lungs. The cilia typically acts as little brooms that sweep out harmful dirt - but when cigarette is smoked, the cilia can't work properly because the tar sticks to the cilia and is therefore covered

Filters air before it enters the other parts of the respiratory tract?

There are tiny hairs called Cilia which lines the airway. Possibly this is what you are thinking about. These tiny hairs trap dirt particles in the air and move them out of the lungs.

What is the tiny hairs in your nose?

The little hairs in your nose are called cilia. Cilia are used to help keep dirt and dust particles from going into your lungs. when the cilia have collected enough dirt, it mixes with mucus and ends up as mucus excertement (boogers). Make sure to blow you nose often and to not sniff dirt!

What does the respiratory system do to help fight off a cold?

There are tiny hairs in your windpipe that pick up the pieces of dirt and move them to the "Disposal unit"

Why are there brooms along the railroad track?

to clear dirt and snow from the switch

What is the function of the cilia and the mucus in the windpipe?

The cilia are tiny hairs which act to trap dust or dirt particles in the air that people breathe. The cilia and the mucus helps to keep dust and dirt out of the lungs.