

How does earth support us?

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13y ago

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Because it has oxygeen

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13y ago
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Q: How does earth support us?
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What make earth a unique planet?

Earth is the only planet known by us to support life.

What is your planet best known for?

Earth, is famous for being the only planet known by us humans that can support life.

Why is earth capable of supporting life?

because plants give off oxygen and support life for us and we have water.

Why do you live on earth?

We live on Earth because it is able to support life. The fresh water helps us stay Hydrated, the trees or plants give us food and the plants make oxygen out of carbon dioxide.

How does atmosphere support life on Earth?

the atmosphere forms a protective boundary between earth and space and provides conditions that are suitable for life

What are the abilities of the earth that support both plant and animal life?

Its gravity holds in the atmosphere, which protects us from UV rays and meteorites.

How can studing other planets help us understand earths environment?

It can help us understand exactly why the Earth is fit to support life, while the planets we are capable of seeing are not.

How do air and water support life on earth?

because air helps us humans breath and water is the main thing for us to surive. We can survive without food but not water

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Why is sun fusion important?

Because it is the supply of energy that keeps us alive, and in fact makes the earth able to support life at all

How does sunlight support your life?

It gives heat to the earth and makes it the right temperature for us, or else it would be so cold we would die.

What function does the ozone layer play in the support of the life on earth?

The ozone layer plays a vital role in supporting the life of earth. It protects us from the fatal high frequency UV radiations from the sun.