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The melon sends out the Sound waves and they are received through the Jaw..

The Ears are not used.

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Q: How does echolocation in the toothed whales work where is the sound produced what role does the melon play how does the sound get back to the ear?
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What name is the Organ in head whales dolphins used for echolocation?

Melon. Try googling 'Melon whales' and the information is in Wikipedia. My reason for wanting the answer is that a clue in a general knowledge crossword was about this.

Is a dolphins melon its brain?

no the melon is used to help them focus on the sounds they sent off during echolocation

What does the melon of a dolphin do?

The melon of a dolphin is just a fancy word for its forehead. The dolphin uses it for sending sound waves so they can see what an object is. This process is called echolocation.

Do beluga whales have blubber?

Yes. They do. Most of their blubber is in their melon.

What is the lump on top of a belugas head?

the lump on top of the belugas head is called a melon no joke!it is a lot of blubber to help keep them warm

What does a dolphins melon do?

dolphins use their melons to produce sound waves.

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they produced mousetraps and toilet paper. they also produced water melon seed spitting.

What do melon headed dolphins eat?

Peponocephala electra is commonly called the melon-headed whale as well as many-toothed blackfish and electra dolphin. Their primary diet is squid. They live far off shore in all the world's tropical and subtropical oceans.

How are bricks produced?

a melon goes in your mothers mouth and bricks will shoot out of her vagina and shithole

Which dolphin sense organ help them to find food?

They use an oil filled sac in their head called their Melon that allows them to echolocate, using echolocation they can locate food sources from a distance, once they get closer they utilize their eyes as a supplementary system

What melon has a outside that looks like a web?


How do you spell melon?
