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Physical activity brings about a myriad of positive effects on the body and mind. Exercise significantly contributes to cardiovascular health by improving blood circulation, regulating blood pressure, and optimizing cholesterol levels. The metabolic benefits of exercise include better weight management, enhanced insulin sensitivity, and reduced risks of chronic conditions like type 2 Diabetes. Weight-bearing exercises also promote bone health, mitigating the risk of osteoporosis.

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Q: How does ecxersise increase life expectancy?
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Recent advances in Marfan syndrome treatment have prolonged the life expectancy of patients considerably. Changes in how the syndrome is treated, including medication, surgical interventions, and monitoring for complications of the syndrome (eg, aneurysms), are all responsible for the increase in life expectancy. The prolongation in life expectancy can be seen by taking a look at statistics from 1972, in which the life expectancy was 32 years, and from 1996, where patients with Marfan syndrome had a life expectancy of 61 years.

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No life expectancy is not determined at birth. Life expectancy is determined by a variety of factors. Factors that influence life expectancy are quality of life, health factors, environment, location, family life among others. Exercise and eating habits influence our life expectancy, smoking and alcohol as well as illegal (and legal) drug use (abuse) can lead to a lower life expectancy. Health care and technology will generally improve throughout peoples' lives leading to an increase in life expectancy.

Can golf make you live longer?

yes of course, it increase the life expectancy by 40000 years

Increased agricultural production in England in the late 1700s contributed directly to?

an increase in life expectancy

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Which country in Latin America has the highest life expectancy in the region?

According to the World Health Organization, both Costa Rica and Chile are the most advanced countries in this regard, with a life expectancy of 79 years (2011):Chile: Male life expectancy: 76Female life expectancy: 82Overall life expectancy: 79Costa Rica: Male life expectancy: 77Female life expectancy: 81Overall life expectancy: 79

Why are seedless grapes desirable?

because they contain a hormone that makes you loose weight faster and they increase your life expectancy

Do you die faster if you chew or smoke tobacco?

Yes. Smoking decreases life expectancy by 8.8 years, on average, in heavy smokers. Users of smokeless tobacco have a higher life expectancy, since orally ingesting tobacco does not damage the respiratory system. Snus, a form of smokeless tobacco, statistically only decreases life expectancy by several weeks. If you want to maximize your life expectancy, do not use tobacco. If you are unable to quit tobacco, switching to smokeless tobacco will increase your life expectancy significantly.