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Q: How does elastic energy affect a bouncing ball?
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Why does bouncing ball bounces back whereas a cricket ball don't?

It's because the surface area of a bouncing ball is more and it is thickly elastic

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What two factors affect the amount of elastic potential energy and how do they affect it?

Mainly, what much energy of other types was converted to elastic energy. For example: if a ball falls from a certain height, and assuming a perfect bounce and no air resistance, all the potential energy is converted to kinetic energy as the ball falls down, which in turn is converted to elastic energy when it hits the floor. Then the elastic energy is converted back into kinetic energy, as the ball bounces back up.

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Explain why the height of a bouncing ball decreases after each bounce?

because some of the energy that helps the ball to bounce is absorbed into the surface it is bouncing on (because the ball can be squashed) and so the energy deflected back up into the air again is less and less each time it bounces.

Energy transfer diagram bouncing ball?

Potential energy to Kinetic energy

How does friction affect a bouncing ball?

It will make the ball stop at some point.

Is elastic energy useful in a bouncy ball or is it wasteful?

It is usefull because how would the ball bonce without the being elastic energy in it???

What law of motion states that a ball cannot bounce perpetually?

It is not a law of motion that states this. If there was no friction or elastic losses the ball could go on bouncing. It is the slight loss of energy every time the ball bounces, due to compression of the ball and friction between it and the surface, that gradually causes its energy to be given up to the environment.

What movement is used in bouncing a ball?

kinetic or movement energy

Where does the energy go when a bouncy ball stops bouncing?


What potential energy does a squashed ball have?

When a ball is squashed, it gains potential energy due to the compression of its material. This potential energy is stored in the form of elastic potential energy, as the ball has the potential to return to its original shape when released.