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It allow some species to be susscefidigajk

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Q: How does endospores allowed some bacteria like tetanus to be a successful species?
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What is the formsome bacteria take too keep from dying when they do not have enough food?

Some bacteria, like many Bacilllus species, form endospores when they run out of food. Endospores are resistant to heat, dessication, weak acid, etc.

What two gram positive groups make endospores?

Bacillus species, Clostridium species, and Sporosarcina species all have endospores.

Why humans are considered to be a very successful species?

They are not, bacteria is the most important species - without them humans would not last more than a few hours.

Why are endospores important to the food and medical industries?

Endospores can survive in harsh elements for long periods of time. Because of their tenacity it is important in the food and medical industries that all attempts are made to destroy all endospores so that the bacteria does not contaminate the product.

Do bacteria reproduce through spores?

Endosposres are intracellular resting cells. With a few exceptions endospore formation is restricted to some large gram positive bacilli. Among cocci and spirila endospores are formed only in few species e.g. Sarcina lutea, S. ureae, Dusulfovibrio desulfuricans. Gramd negative do not form spores or endospores.

Clostridium acetobutryicum is a species of bacteria that are?

clostridium acetobutryicum is a species of bacteria that are_________________

What will a streak plate with two species of bacteria look like?

A streak plate, with 2 species of bacteria, will show the bacteria in straight lines. Each species of bacteria will be separate from the other.

Thriving in Terrestrial Environments?

Numerous genera that inhabit soil can form resting stages that enable survival in dry periods 2) Endospores, cysts, fruiting bodies, and mycelium are examples of resting stage structures 2.1) Bacillus and Clostridium species produce endospores 2.2) Azobactor species produce cysts 2.3) Myxobacteria species form fruiting bodies 2.4) Streptomyces species form mycelium 3) Endospores tend to be more resistant to environmental insult than cysts or fruiting bodies 4) Organisms produce numerous mechanisms for nutrient acquisition and retention 4.1) Clustering within a sheath -> Bacteria form chains encased in tubes which enables them to find favorable habitat -> Includes genera Sphaerotilus and Leptothrix 4.2) Derive nutrient from other organisms 4.2.1) Bdellovibrio prey on other organisms 4.2.2) Bioluminescent bacteria establish relationships with other animals for food and protection 4.2.3) Legionella live inside protected confines of protozoa

How many species are included in the genus of bacteria Listeria?

The species called Listeria currently contains eight different species of bacteria. The bacteria species that are included in the genus of Listeria are considered to be highly infectious and deadly to humans.

What species have the ability to form spores and hibernate until environmental conditions improve?

da answer yaw lookin for is endopsores

What are endospores?

Spore Is a Computer Video Game that allows you to Build up your Own Species Of Creatures that you make, Starting Off From a Cell, Then To A Walking Creature, Then you Enter Tribal Stage where you can create Villages, And Civilization, Where you Can make Cities... There is Also The Space Stage! ( I think its the coolest Stage ) Where you get to explore THOUSANDS of Planets, where you can build up a Civilization There! You Can Get the Game for about £30 ($40/$50 depending on store)

Is bacteria inside a person's body an organism of the same species?

No, bacteria are separate organisms from the body, and there are many different species of bacteria living in humans.