

How does evolution affect us?

Updated: 9/16/2023
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14y ago

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Very slowly. Each generation has some differences from the preceding generations. The survivors from one generation pass their genes on to subsequent ones. A trait that increases survival rate is passed on more frequently than a trait which is detrimental to procreation.

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Q: How does evolution affect us?
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The word "evolution" means "change". The Theory of Evolution is concerned with change among living things, animals and plants. Such change does not affect climate in any significant way. Earth is also evolving. The tectonic plates are moving; volcanic action is changing the face of the Earth, creating new islands, changing the topography. These changes---the evolution of Earth---do affect climate.

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A deletion has the greater potential affect on the evolution of a population. This type of mutation results in the complete loss of a chromosome that will never be recovered.

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