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Q: How does eyes help tadpole live?
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Can a tadpole live with a bata?

I wouldn't risk it. betas live alone, and most betas will kill company. buy a separate fish bowl, appropriate for the tadpole when it is older, and larger. :)

Can goldfish live with tadpols in a garden pond?

no the goldfish would it the tadpole

What is the answer to the analogy egg is to tadpole as to tadpole?

Egg is to tadpole as tadpole is to frog.

Why can a tadpole live in water but not on land?

because it hasn't developed lungs yet

What major physical changes occur in the metamorphosis from the tadpole stage to the adult stage that enable the adult frog to survive on land?

At birth, a tadpole is essentially a head with eyes and a tail. Many internal changes must occur before a tadpole is ready to be a land dwelling frog. As a tadpole grows, she will develop bones. The tadpole must also grow some new internal organs, the most important of which are the lungs, and a fully grown heart.

Can water turtles and tadpoles live in the same exibit?

Yes, but your turtle will probably eat tadpoles and unless the tadpole is fast and your turtle is slow the tadpole will become dinner.

What is an immature frog or toad that must live in the water after hatching to survive is called?

A Tadpole, the larval form of a frog. Sometimes also referred to as a "wollywog" or "pollywog".

What about primates' eyes help them to be adapted to live in trees?

Primates' eyes are in front of their heads. They can see in stereo-vision and detect color.

Does a tadpole's shape help it to survive?

Every creature's shape has evolved to help it survive in one way or another.

How long does it take for a leopard tadpole to become a leopard frog?

Leopard frogs may live up to 9 years in the wild, although very few leopard frogs will live for this long. Most mortality occurs as a tadpole or newly transformed froglet, when as many as 95% will die.