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I am not positive but I think that she either catches prey, or if she's a house cat, she let's her kittens eat kitten or cat food.

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Q: How does female feral cat feed kittens after 8 weeks and does she regurgitate food she has already eaten?
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Why cant you pick up a snake after its eaten?

Because a snakes natural defence when disturbed, is to regurgitate a recently eaten meal so it can escape quicker.

Why would your boxer eat your cats kittens?

All dogs have natural wolf instincts. If your dog was extremely hungry or was just interested in the kittens because he thought they were prey then he could have eaten your kittens.

Can a mom cat take the kittens from one location to another?

Absolutely. They're protecting the kittens from predators. I used to work in a home improvement store that had a garden department. Garden departments have bird seed, which is eaten by mice, so it's natural cats would also move in. One of our cats had a litter of four kittens, which she would move up and down in the racking. One time, we watched her move her kittens from the floor to the 16-foot level on a rack. She climbed an upright four times with a kitten in her mouth.

Do bees throw up honey?

Yup. Honey is bee barf. Bees collect nectar from flowers and store it in "honey stomachs," separate from their true stomachs. When they return to the hive, they regurgitate the nectar and either contact other worker bees for more processing or dump it directly into the honeycomb. It may be disgusting to think about thousands of honey bees lining up and regurgitate together to make honey, but humans have harvested bee barf and eaten it for thousands of years. Incidentally, honey is the only insect-created food that humans can eat.

How can cod population be stable if each female cod produces 6 million eggs a year?

The vast majority of eggs are eaten before hatched and the vast majority of hatchlings (fry) are eaten befaore reaching sexual maturity.

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Can Clay kill Kittens?

Yes, if eaten.

Is it you have already eaten or you have already ate?

you have already eaten

Why cant you pick up a snake after its eaten?

Because a snakes natural defence when disturbed, is to regurgitate a recently eaten meal so it can escape quicker.

How do you say you have already eaten in Italian?

if the sentence is "you have already eaten" -> "hai già mangiato"

How do you get your red-tail catfish to regurgitate an aquarium ornament?

A red-tail catfish regurgitate anything that they have eaten and cannot digest. They also can pollute their tank very quickly. I would recommend to take out any small decorations from your tank to avoid the fish from eating them again.

What is able to eaten called begins with a ew?

Ewe is a female sheep. It can be eaten.

Is kitty liter harmful to kittens if eaten?

No it isn't it justs comes out there poo later on my kitten done it and she was fine.

How old are kittens when they stop drinking their moms milk?

Jus like a real life mommy, they are able to produce milk as ling as the kittens are nursing. When the kittens have reached the appropriate age to be weened YOU have to keep a close eye and try to get your kittens to stop nursing....kittens will start eating the food if you put it out- try to get food meant for kittens or even soft food- not canned for- jus a softer version of dry cat food. Once all of your kittens have eaten regular food- DEF make sure none of them are nursing- then momma cats dries up and all is well!

What are foods that are already prepared called?


Do praying mantis die right after sex?

The female does not. The male is often eaten by the female during sexx.

My cat had 2 kittens in a box in my basement today i went to check on them and the box was tipped over with the kittens nowhere to be seen what do you think happened?

If the kittens were unhealthy or died the mother would have eaten them. She is most likely is going have more kittens and was just protecting those. In some cases if they are all born unhealthy that's what happens. But she could have also have moved them and hid them from you and will go to them when you are not around as protection.

What happens if you never get physically hungry?

Then you must have already eaten something.