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Fiber helps the digestive system by adding bulk to your stool, making your bowel movements soft and regular.

it clears out the digestive system where food passes through

Yes, the same as nutrients and vitamins. They are good for your hole body, not just your tummy. !

Fiber or cellulose is undigestible material for humans. Therefore fiber's main role is to keep materials moving through the alimentary canal.

fiber stimulates the large intestine and keeps it functioning properly

Fibre is something which everybody needs. The main role of fibre is to help our digestive system work more efficiently. Fibre can also soften bowel motion and encourage healthy bacteria to move into the large intestines. We also need fibre to prevent or help constipation. Surprisingly, fibre can also help us with our appetite therefore we can manage any weight issues.

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Q: How does fiber help the digestive system?
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How does fiber help you?

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High fiber foods can help regulate your digestive system. Also they can help you feel fuller for longer, which can aid in weight loss efforts.

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There are two types of fiber, and both of them are vital for health. Soluble fiber helps lower cholesterol, while insoluble fiber promotes movement of material through the digestive system.

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cellulose. humans do not possess the enzymes necessary for its digestion.

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What does fiber do in body?

Fiber helps the body with your digestive system, colon, Diabetes, Heart, and your weight. Fiber helps with your digestive system, by preventing constipation, by softening the stool in your intestines. Fiber helps with your colon, by preventing colon cancer. Fiber helps with diabetes, by help controlling of the blood sugar levels. Fiber helps with your heart by lowering the risk of heart failure, and helping with your LDL. Fiber also helps with your weight, because it makes you full.