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:0 OMG dont tell me u dont know?! hahahaha...losser!

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Daryl Kemmer

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Q: How does fluorines electronegativity compared to the electronegativity of oxygen and chlorine?
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How does fluorine's electronegativity compare to the electronegativigty of oxygen and chlorine?

Fluorine has the highest electronegativity among the three elements. Oxygen is the second most electronegative, while chlorine has a slightly lower electronegativity compared to both fluorine and oxygen.

How does fluorine's electronegativity compare to the electronegativity of oxygen and chlorine?

Fluorine is more electronegative than oxygen and chlorine. There are many scales used to measure electronegativity. Each is different. Oxygen and chlorine usually have an electronegativity value between 3.2 and 3.5 depending on the scale. Fluorine has an electronegativity of 4, the highest number on the scale. This means that the difference in electronegativity of fluorine and oxygen or chlorine is between 0.5 and 0.8 depending on the scale. This is the amount necessary to form a polar covalent bond.

Is chlorine more electronegative than oxygen?

Oxygen is more electronegative than chlorine. The electronegativity of oxygen is 3.44 and that of chlorine is 3.16 on the Pauling scale.

How does fluorine's elecetronegativity compare to the elecetronegativity of oxygen and chlorine?

Fluorine has the highest electronegativity of any element. Its electronegativity is 4. Oxygen has the second highest electronegativity of any element, with an electronegaitivity of 3.5, and chlorine has an electronegativity of 3.16 on the Pauling scale. Note that there is more than one scale for measuring electronegativity. But no matter which scale you use, Fluorine is more electronegative than oxygen, which is more electronegative than chlorine.

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Comparison between the electronegativity of chlorine and nitrogen?

FONCl (pronounced fonkle) - the order of electronegativity - F O N Cl - fluorine, oxygen, nitrogen, chlorine

What is the electronegativity of oxygen compared to other elements?

Oxygen has the second highest electronegativity of any element. Only fluorine is more electronegative.

How does fluorine's electronegativity compared to oxygen's electronegativity and chlorines electronegativity?

:0 OMG dont tell me u dont know?! hahahaha...losser!

How does fluorine electronegativity compare to the electronegativity of oxygen and chlorine?

:0 OMG dont tell me u dont know?! hahahaha...losser!

Why oxygen have less ionisation enthalpy than fluorine?

Oxygen has a lower electronegativity than fluorine (3.5 as compared to 4).

Is phosgene polar?

It is polar, albeit only slightly due to oxygen having a larger electronegativity than chlorine.

ClO2- polar or non polar?

Polar. Oxygen's electronegativity is 3.44 while Chlorine's is 3.16. Since the valance electrons are not shared equally, we look at electronegativity. It is polar, and oxygen is the atom closer to the negative side.