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Because most of the earth's surface is not perfectly flat.Some places are high

er, and some places are lower.Gravity is aways pulling things from high places down to low places.This downhill movement of earth's material caused by gravity is called mass wasting.Mass wasting depends largely on how steep a slope is.

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13y ago
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9y ago

Gravity not only hold the Earth and the other planets in their orbits around the sun. It also creates natural movement of objects on Earth. Depending on mass, all things have a natural attraction to one another that we call gravity. An apple falls from a tree to the ground because of this gravitational attraction and tides move in and out because of the gravitational attraction of the moon.

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10y ago

The gravity causes the rocks and materials to push down on each other, and the more the push, the deeper the rocks go and cause the Earth materials to move

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11y ago

Mud can cause a landslide.

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Q: How can gravity cause movement of earth materials?
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Velocity and gravity (movement around the Earth and the gravity of the Earth pulling on it).

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