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I'll use one of the favourite analogies, I think this is from a popular science book by Kaku(I'm not sure, maybe someone can help tell if I'm right about the author). Imagine a 2 dimensional worm crawling on a piece of paper. If we crumple a paper and then put the worm on it, it will move sideways as if it is experiencing a force, this is because it can't see the third dimension(height), hence it can't percieve the crumpled paper. All it sees is that it changes direction as if a force is acting on it, whereas in reality it's the folds on the paper that is the culprit! Similarly, gravity is bending of the spacetime fabric that's 4 dimensional, which we percieve as a force in 3 dimensions.

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Q: How does gravity conform to the bending of the space time fabric?
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Does gravity affect the speed of light?

Gravity affects the fabric of space-time. So both space and time will be distorted.

Is gravity an exchange?

No. Our best understanding is that gravity is a distortion (curvature) in the fabric of space-time caused by the presence of mass. Mass tells space-time ow to bend and space-time tells mass how to move.

Why do things fall?

That's what things do in gravitational fields. All objects that have mass have an associated gravity. Einstein's work suggests that gravity causes a bending of space, and objects move because of the bending of the space they occupy. Some current theories suggest that gravity (unlike the 3 other basic forces) is able to extend its effect across several dimensions (several more than the 3 common dimensions of our everyday experience of space).

How does gravity hold you down?

We live on the planet Earth, which is a very large, massive object that exerts a strong gravitational attraction; as a result, we have weight and we do not float away into outer space. The precise mechanism of how gravity works is still under discussion by theoretical physicists. Einstein thought it involved the bending of the four dimensional space-time continuum, but there are other theories as well.

is light bent by gravity?

Yes. When light bounce off a mirror, that's changing the direction. Reflecting is NOT bending. It bends when it passes in close proximity to a massive object such as a black hole or when it travels into a differing medium where the speed of light varies (for example entering a piece of glass).

Related questions

Does gravity affect the speed of light?

Gravity affects the fabric of space-time. So both space and time will be distorted.

What makes earth have gravity?

The fact that it has mass which distorts the fabric of space-time. This in turn creates gravity.

What scientist said that objects that exert gravity bend the fabric of space and time?

albert enstein

Is dark energy following anti gravity rule?

well, i think that the answer to your question is yes. regular gravity bends space time drawing mass together, and anti gravity must be bending space time opposite to regular gravity and so, mass is pushed apart.

Is gravity an exchange?

No. Our best understanding is that gravity is a distortion (curvature) in the fabric of space-time caused by the presence of mass. Mass tells space-time ow to bend and space-time tells mass how to move.

Why do things fall?

That's what things do in gravitational fields. All objects that have mass have an associated gravity. Einstein's work suggests that gravity causes a bending of space, and objects move because of the bending of the space they occupy. Some current theories suggest that gravity (unlike the 3 other basic forces) is able to extend its effect across several dimensions (several more than the 3 common dimensions of our everyday experience of space).

How does gravity correspond to the bending of space-time fabric?

the boundaries of time is bend on the question itself. What are you asking yourselves? do you even know. We tend to decided on relativity but that is not even the matter at hand. Its the situation that forms into the question itself. are we really even baseing these questions on human capability.

How does gravity keep us tied to the earth?

Large objects in space distort the fabric of space time to a higher degree, causing nearby objects to be pulled towards them.

What if there was gravity in space?

There is gravity in space. Gravity is everywhere. You can never escape gravity.

13 Stars often occur in pairs revolving around their common center of mass If one of the stars is a black hole it is visible Explain how the existence of such a black hole might be inferred from?

Einstein's theory of the fabric of space that each planet has its own gravity that makes an indention the fabric of space depending on the amount of gravity, well a black hole is an infinite indention.

What is the meaning of free falling and how is it related to force?

Free falling isn't actually related to force, when you free fall you are falling because of gravity, gravity is one of the four known forces, but gravity is simply the warping of the fabric of space and time, you fall because the earth streches that fabric, and you fall or sink into it, like a bowling ball on a trampoline. There are no forces acting on you, rather you are simply moving with the fabric which you exist in, which has been warped by the force of gravity. Free Fall is where an object whose motion is due to gravity ALONE.

Why is there more gravity on Jupiter?

Because it is more massive and a lot bigger. Bigger and denser objects tend to create greater curvature or warping on the single fabric space-time, which we feel as the pull of gravity.