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Greenhouse Gases are essentially very good at absorbing Infrared Radiation. So when IR from the sun hits the Earth's surface and is reflected, it would normally be reflected back into space, the greenhouse gases however are in the way, and absorb the heat.

A:The sun's heat gets trapped in the earth's atmosphere. A:The popular view is that the atmosphere has some sort of layer of carbon dioxide "up there" that reflects heat back down to Earth rather than letting it escape to space. That would be like the glass on a greenhouse trapping warm air in while letting the sunlight through to increase the heat. In a greenhouse the sunlight warms the benches and floor, he warm objects heat the air, the air is trapped by the double layer of insulating glass.

It does not happen that way.

Sunlight comes in and warms the Earth's surface. It warms the gases in the air too, at least some of them with a bond size that gets excited by sunlight. These special gases are greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide, methane, water vapour and a few others). They are mixed evenly through all of the atmosphere (not in a layer). When the gases are warm they share their heat with all their gas molecule neighbours and heat the atmosphere generally.

The effect is more like wet sand in a microwave. Microwaves do not heat sand. They do heat water. When you microwave wet sand, the water heats up - might even turn to steam. The hot water warms the sand.

A:Greenhouse Gases are essentially very good at absorbing Infrared Radiation. So when IR from the sun hits the Earth's surface and is reflected, it would normally be reflected back into space, the greenhouse gases however are in the way, and absorb the heat.
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12y ago

The natural situation in which heat is retained by this layer of greenhouse gases is called the greenhouse effect. Carbon dioxide, methane, water vapor, and a few other atmospheric gases trap heat energy and maintain earth's temperature range. These gases function like the glass windows of a greenhouse. Just as the glass keeps the greenhouse plants warm, these gases trap the heat energy of sunlight inside earth's atmosphere.

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9y ago

the gases are produced from factories that are in construction and the construction produces greenhouse gases that keep the earths temperature from getting to hot or getting to cold.

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11y ago

They prevent the incident Electromagnetic Radiation - mainly the Heat Laden infra-red rays - from leaving - or becoming excident - again. [New word - Noted]

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What does the greenhouse effect maintain?

The greenhouse effect maintains temperature. Another word for a greenhouse is "hothouse." Without the greenhouse effect of our atmosphere, earth's surface would be more like that of the moon--baked during the day and cold at night. Just not quite as severe, as the lunar day is a month long.

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Both Earth and Venus have increase temperature due to a greenhouse effect. Venus has a much stronger greenhouse effect than Earth does.

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Research has shown that the planet Venus has its atmosphere temperature increased by the greenhouse effect

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The greenhouse effect is the natural process by which greenhouse gases keep the earth's temperature at a comfortable level suitable for human existence. The enhanced greenhouse effect is the increase in greenhouse gases that is leading to global warming. The term "enhanced greenhouse effect" is also referred to as the "anthropogenic greenhouse effect" and is the idea that humans may have an effect on global climate. It is also referred to as the "runaway greenhouse effect".

What is the process that regulates the earth's average temperature?

the Greenhouse effect

What will be the effect on world temperature if the greenhouse problem is ignored?

World temperature will continue to increase.

How does the natural greenhouse effect allow life to exist?

Natural greenhouse effect maintain the temperature of earth in night because if it will not so there will have too cold at night.carbon dioxide present in the atmosphere allows the light to come in earth surface and it allows only 10% of the light to escape out into space.

Research the greenhouse effect on the internet How much has the average temperature risen Pose possible solutions to the greenhouse effect If none are given in the article think of some on your own?

A few suggestions to answer your question:Search for the meaning of the greenhouse effect. Make sure you understand the natural effect, and the enhanced greenhouse effect.Find out how much the temperature has risen since global warming began at the start of the Industrial Revolution.Find possible solutions to the greenhouse effect, by governments and by individuals

Does the greenhouse effect only occur on earth?

No. A gross example is Venus, which has a runaway greenhouse effect. The surface temperature is hot enough to melt lead.

What does the greenhouse effect cause an increase in?

It causes an increase in the Earth's temperature.