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Q: How does heat travel through a metal pan?
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Is a frying pan a conductor?

A frying pan is a conductor as heat can easily travel through the pan since it's metal.

Why are metals used to make pans and cake tins?

Metal is a heat conductor so the heat will travel throughout the pan. I think! x

Why does the sauce pan handle don't get hot?

Because wood is not a good conductor of heat. The molecules in wood are not very close to each other; therefore the heat cannot travel through the molecules and you can't feel the heat. Metal is a good conductor of heat because the molecules are very tightly packed together, so the heat can travel through easily. Hope this helps

How does heat travels from the fire too the frying pan?

A metal frying pan handle, covered in a good heat insulating material, means that you don't burn your hand when picking the frying pan off the stove. It also means that you don't have to insulate your hand by using a tea-towel or oven glove.

How does a steel pan work?

A steel pan works by holding the things to be cooked and by conducting heat from a source below it through the metal and into that food.

How does the size of the pan affect the number of kernels popped?

The bigger the pan, the less kernels popped, because it takes more time for the heat to travel through a larger pan, then it does a smaller one.

When we heat a water in a pan by which mode does most of the heat travel in water?


Why does most pan have wooden handles?

The wood wont conduct the heat from the hot metal pan

How does heat transfer in a pan filled with cooking vegetables?

how does heat spread through the liquid in a pan

How does heat get into your stove burner into your soup?

through radiation

Why is a frying pan made of metal?

The metal conducts heat better and will cook the food evenly. A high end metal pan covered with a ceramic finish is one of the best cooking pans you can have. Iron skillets have always been considered a good pan as well, but the iron does realise elements in the food as it cooks.

What is the advantage of using a metal pan instead of a clay pat for cooking?

Metal transfers the heat to the food well and the heat doesn't harm the metal.