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It depends on which drug you are thinking about!

There are many legal drugs that affect the heart. Some slow the rate and help lower the blood pressure. Others regulate the heartbeat. Some drugs speed up the heart rate. There are even drugs that paralyze the heart for open-heart surgeries.

Some legal drugs also have side effects on the heart and have to be taken carefully.

Illegal drugs are illegal because they're posions, so they're the most harmful to the heart and the rest of the body. Most of them either cause the heart to race uncontrollably and increase the blood pressure to dangerous levels, or relax the heart so much that it doesn't beat normally.

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The negative effects on the cardiovascular system range from the mild (such as collapsed veins from repeated needle use) to the life-threatening (such as strokes and heart attack)

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The effects of heroin on society are awful. Heroin affects society by causing addiction, robberies, murder, and death of the user.

Is heroin a drug?

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Heroin is an illegal drug that is similar to morphine and cocaine. It certainly can cause memory loss because heroin abuse can cause brain damage. Heroin is a depressant, and causes your body and brain to slow down. If you overdose, it will stop your heart and breathing.

What are some of the dangers of heroin use?

There are many dangers of the use of heroin, as it is a very hard drug and can get people very addicted and dependent on its use. The dangers of heroin are overdoses, rotting teeth, heart diseases, lung cancer and infections.