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To maintain a healthy population density for the habitat, hunting can be a very precise tool for game managers. Not only controlling a population that could over-browse the habitate but to strive for the right ratio of Bucks to Does for longterm quality reproduction. Over population equals mass die offs that could threaten the animals existance. The desired Buck to Doe ratio's would be 2 to 3 Does to 1 Buck. Ideal 1 to 1 but in the wild that is very difficult to achieve.

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The animals killed by hunters do not reproduce, but only a limited number of permits are issued so the deer population will not be completely eliminated in an area.

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Q: How does hunting control the deer population?
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Related questions

What is the benefits of deer hunting?

Keeping the deer population under control so there is enough food for all the deer and diseases do not happen plus deer meat is very healthy and delicious

How does the Pennsylvania Department overseeing fish and wildlife in your state decide how many hunting licenses to issue each year to control the deer population?

John deer

What is the difference between hunting deer and hunting elephants in Africa?

The difference between hunting deer and hunting elephants is overall 1) elephants are poached more and there are fewer of them 2) elephants are a keystone species and thus are more important to their own ecosystem then deer; meaning that if their population decreases it will create a greater impact than a decrease in deer population. There are also other reason like for instance they are two different species, but basically that's it.

What could a population of a deer To decrease?

Probably an increase in the population in their main predator or over hunting by humans

What are the effects of animal hunting?


Is there a humane way to control a deer population?

Current methods of hunting are quite humane. Improvements in technology and hunting methods mean that sportsmen care greatly about the wildlife and always utilize the meat they harvest. Also, many hunters donate excess meat to local homeless shelters, which makes hunting a community friendly way to control the population and provide for the less fortunate

What could lead to a decreased population of deer?

Probably an increase in the population in their main predator or over hunting by humans

What is being done to protect the key deer?

They are being helped by not hunting them and saving the population.

What kind of deer hunting is allowed in Minnesota?

It depends on the year (mostly realted to deer population and health). Here are the deer hunting season dates for 2010. Deer Archery Season: 09/18/2010 - 12/31/2010 (about 14 weeks) Deer Firearms: 11/06/2010 - TBD (TBD based on deer population) Deer Muzzleloader: 11/27/2010 - 12/12/2010 (about 2 weeks)

Why would a person want to go deer hunting?

There is no point. Hunting is wrong. Animals are people with fur they think and breath just like us. Some people find that hunting gives us things that we need.but we have grocery stores. If you are a hunter your point would be for food and valuables.But you shouldn't hunt deer for the valuables or for the stupid blood sport it is. Hunting has no point it is so cruel that i am having a hard time writing to all you today.

Is deer hunting banned in the UK?

Deer hunting was banned in 2004 because the deer were going to be extinct.

How can you find more information about bow hunting deer?

One can find information about bow hunting deer from a number of different resources online. One can find instructional videos for deer bow hunting on YouTube. One can also find information on deer bow hunting on websites such as Instructables, HubPages, and Deer & Deer Hunting.