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Any time you uproot your life it causes stress. Depending on the circumstances of why you left and what you had to undergo depends on if it caused traumatic stress. Only speaking to a physician will help you to arrive to a specific yes or no.

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Q: How does immigration rate as a traumatic life event?
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Who is more likely to suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder?

Emergency personnel and those directly involved in the traumatic event (and their families). Natural disasters account for about a 5%, while there is a 50% rate among rape and Holocaust survivors.

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Formula for net migration?

immigration rate + emigration rate.

How do you calculate emigration rate?

You can calculate a country's immigration rate in a manner similar to the calculation of birth and death rates. The immigration rate for Canada is 7/1000 (0.7%)

What are the four criteria for a population?

Population density, Immigration, Emigration Exponential Growth

What are four main characteristics of a population?

Birth Rate, Death Rate, Immigration, Emigration

What are the factors that affect a population's size size?

the factor are Death Rate Birth Rate Immigration

The rate at which population size grows or declines depends on the rate of what?

births, death, immigration and emigration

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What are the australian immigration rates?

The immigration rate in Australia is around 210,000 at the end of 2010. The immigration seem to of had a decrease since the previous year was about 340,000. The decline in immigration rates creates a shortage of workers.

How does immigration affect New Zealand's economy?

On its own New Zealand has a birth rate of 1.8 which is below the replacement rate. Without immigration the population would decrease and economic opportunity would diminish. Immigration boosts this rate to 2.2 allowing the country to grow.

How these factors will affect the natural population?

there will be high death rate there will low birth rate immigration will increase\