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Islam IS our life. All of it.

God revealed the Torah to Moses to give to the Children of Israel - as a complete way of life. "Torah" means "Law". It is the Law of God for the living of life - every aspect of life.

So when Jesus came to the Jews, he told them that, since Israel was no longer establishing the Law of God, that God was going to give His Law to "a new nation, that will give to God what is His due".

So after some time, God sent Muhammad as the bringer of God's Final Law - for all Mankind. Muhammad is the Messenger of the Covenant, who brought what Jesus said was soon to come - The Kingdom of God on Earth.

The Qur'an is much like the Torah - only universal in application, and easier to follow. Islam is a complete law, a complete way of life. As such, God has given His rules for Humanity. How to be born and die, what to eat and not eat, how to dress, marry, divorce. Even economics and, yes, warfare, are regulated by God's Law.

It is our way of life. It has guidance and direction even for how to use the bathroom and clean one's self. Everything is covered in the Law of God.

When Jesus returns, he will establish that Final Law - over the whole world.

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