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Romance aside, a wedding in front of a justice of the peace need have no more depth than applying for a joint bank account. A religious Jewish wedding, by contrast:

  • Sanctifies the occasion in front of God, as the ceremony includes many blessings to Him.
  • It follows traditions that are thousands of years old.
  • It establishes ties to a community and its Rabbi.
  • It includes a reading of the ketubah-document, reminding the couple of their obligations to each other.
  • It provides some degree of stability, as couples who have shared religious values are less likely to divorce.
See also the Related Link.

Link: More about the Jewish wedding ceremony

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It's just like weddings from other faiths - it's an adjustment to a new life.

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Q: How does it change someone's life if they have a Jewish wedding?
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How will it change a couple's life by having a Jewish wedding?

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