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It depends on your level of pain, but it hurts really bad. If you are hit on bear skin it really stingsand itmay penetrate the skin.

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Q: How does it feel like to get shot by a bebe gun?
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It would hurt. A lot. Really.

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it feels like getting done up the rectum by a bum

What does it feel like getting shot with a shot gun?

Depending on where your shot and if you survive the shock it can feel like a charlie horse along with severe burning sansation as if someone put a lighter on the area. You my also feel muscle tightness like you pulled a muscle those are the things you,will feel medical examiner doctor

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The answer is 18

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u can get a gun in the port and rob

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a bebe gun

How does it feel when you get shot with a gun?

It either hurts and you survive or it hurts and you die.

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What is the idiom for' like a shot'?

Going "like a shot" means "as straight and as fast as a bullet shot from a gun."

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When you are having your ears pierced with a piercing gun there is a pinch like feeling. Some people think it feels the same as getting a shot. The pain is over in a second of time.

How much does it hurt to be shot by a 400 fps airsoft gun?

Like the dickens. Depends on how close you are to the gun. From 2 feet, you might pee yourself, from 200 feet, barely feel it.