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one of the most important task in agriculture is to turn the soil and loosen it. the loose soil allows the roots to breathe easily even when they go deep into the soil

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Q: How does loosened soil allow the roots to breathe easily?
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Why does the soil need to be turned and loosened?

So roots can penetrate it more easily and plants will grow faster.

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Can tress breathe?

Yes because of there roots

How does the root breathe?

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Roots have a big surface area and thin walls, which allow water to pass into them easily and the roots are very long they go down and down under the soil to find water.

How do plant roots breathe in the soil?

Plants breathe in the soil with the help of their roots . Some plants such as mangroves grow in muddy soil which does not contain much oxygen. To get some air, some mangroves give out special roots called breathing roots. Breathing roots are lined with special cells ( called lentils ) that absorb air. But , plants usually do not breathe through their roots ( mostly through leaves ) . Mostly soil particles can go through roots but I don't know how.

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Spiro=breathe in=in, into Both Latin roots.

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Why you tug at grass why does it not come out easily?

due to the roots which go down deep in the soil.