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It allows the bowel to move freely in this case you are going to the bathroom in your pants.

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Q: How does lupus affect the bowels?
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Can Lupus affect the nervous system?

Lupus can also effect the central nervous system, causing seizures, depression, and psychosis

Does lupus affect your athletic energy?

Yes, most autoimmune diseases including lupus, affect your athletic energy and abilities.

Does lupus affect more women then men?

9 out of 10 lupus patients are women.

How is lupus going to affect my life?

With medical management and treatment, you can lead a normal life with lupus.

Do systemic lupus affect mental state?

Neuropsychiatric lupus can affect memory, cause depression, and cause personality changes. Current research shows that this affects more lupus patients than previously believed.

Is lupus widespread or merely localized effects in the body?

Lupus can be wide spread, but most medication stops it from doing so. Most Lupus cases have deterioration of the kidney and bladder functions. But, I am not a doctor. Please refer to a rheumatologist.

What is Lupus anti-coagulant?

Lupus anticoagulant is one a several blood clotting disorders that can affect lupus patients. Lupus anticoagulant causes the patient to make blood clots. It is treated with blood thinners.

Who does lupus affect?

Lupus can affect anyone, but it is most common in women in their childbearing years. Lupus affects nine times more women than men and affects the minority population more often as well. Lupus is more likely to affect African Americans, Asians, and Hispanics than Caucasians. Minorities are also more likely to have serious organ involvement such as kidney disease and failure.

Lupus located on the body?

Lupus can affect any and every part of the body. Most commonly, lupus causes profound fatigue and joint pain. 50% of lupus patients will have kidney involvement. Lupus frequently causes skin rashes and lesions. But lupus can attack any part of the body. Lupus does not spread in the sense of being contagious or like an infection-it is not. Lupus is an autoimmune disease in which the immune system turns against healthy parts of the self.

Can lupus affect someone else?

Lupus is not contagious. You can't get lupus from someone and you can't give lupus to someone. But chronic illness affects relationships and can have quite a strain on families. When someone is ill the whole family suffers.

Does fish oil cause change the color of your bowels?

Fish oil should not cause a change in the color of your bowels. It may affect how often you go to the bathroom.

Does lupus affect animals?

Lupus can infact effect animals but all i know of animals being effected are animals in the family canie