

Best Answer

Well genes are genes so its ind of obious the question

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Q: How does meiosis affect inheritance through genes?
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How genes affect characteristics?

It is a polygenic character

How are genes made by meiosis?

Genes are not made by meiosis. Genes are sequences of DNA found on the chromosomes.

What is inheritance in science terms?

Inheritance is the process by the which traits or characteristics pass from parents to their offspring through genes. Some of these characteristics are dominant and some are recessive and they are passed through inheritance.

This is the concept that organisms pass traits to offspring through genes.?

mendelian inheritance

What was lamarck's incorrect hypothesis regarding inheritance?

Lamarck's incorrect hypothesis regarding inheritance.... Lamarck did not know how traits were inherited (Traits are passed through genes) Genes are not changed by activities in life. They change through mutation occurs before an organism is born.

What carries genes from parents to offspring?

The chromosomes are the ones that carry genes from parents to offspring. This is done through meiosis where sex cells are produced.

How do genes evolve to produce multigene families and ultimately lead to new genes?

Through genetic mutations over many years through the cellular division processes of mitosis and meiosis.

What is the difference between cytosplasmic and mendelian inheritance?

To make this simple cytoplasmic inheritance is the inheritance of genes in organelles such as mitochondria that do not go through regular mitosis which is Mendelian inheritance. It is a bit more complex than this and can be easily Googled.

The inheritance of one trait does not affect the inheritance of another trait?

The principle of independent assortment refers to the situation whereby the inheritance of one trait does not affect the inheritance of another trait. Traits are usually passed from one generation to anther through the genes.

Which type of inheritance involves genes found on the non-autosomal chromosomes?

These are called sex linked genes since they are on the genes that code for sex.

What are used to predict inheritance?


What is inheritance determined by the interaction of two or more pairs of genes?

Polygenic inheritance.