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Q: How does mrna interact with the ribosome?
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What organells makes proteins?

ribosomesProteins are made in ribosomes. mRNA transcribed from DNA carries the message of protein sequences. In ribosome mRNA interact with tRNAs to form polypeptides from amino acids.ribosomes translate proteins from amino acids. The message needed for the synthesis is coded in mRNA. mRNA is transcribed from DNA for this and exported to cytosol.

What cells parts does mRNA attach?

The mRNA attaches itself to a ribosome.

MRNA joins with what in the cytoplasm?


What moves during protein synthesis mRNA or rRNA?

mRNA moves out of the core (however, the mRNA is read by the ribosome, which is made up partly of rRNA; so while the ribosome slides along the mRNA, its rRNA moves also)

After leaving the nucleus mRNA joins with a ribosome where?


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What does mRNA carry away from the nucleus?

Basically, mRNA carries a message away from the nucleus. The nucleus says hey, we need these proteins made, and mRNA is made by using RNA polymerase to copy the information on DNA. That mRNA then moves out of the nucleus to a ribosome, where rRNA and tRNA will interact with the mRNA, eventually resulting in the production of a fully functional protein.

What organells makes proteins?

ribosomesProteins are made in ribosomes. mRNA transcribed from DNA carries the message of protein sequences. In ribosome mRNA interact with tRNAs to form polypeptides from amino acids.ribosomes translate proteins from amino acids. The message needed for the synthesis is coded in mRNA. mRNA is transcribed from DNA for this and exported to cytosol.

What carries the protein parts to the ribosome and the mRNA?

tRNA carries the protein parts to the ribosome and the mRNA.

Observe how the mRNA interacts with the ribosome in the simulation. How is this interaction similar to what actually happens in translation?

The interaction between mRNA and ribosomes in the simulation is meant to reflect the process of translation that occurs in cells. During translation, the ribosome uses the information stored in the mRNA molecule to synthesize a protein. The ribosome moves along the mRNA molecule and reads its codons (sets of three nucleotides) to determine which amino acids should be added to the growing polypeptide chain. In the simulation, the mRNA molecule is represented as a linear sequence of codons, and the ribosome is represented as a moving object that recognizes and interacts with the codons. The ribosome moves along the mRNA and recognizes each codon by binding to it. This interaction is similar to what happens in real cells, where the ribosome recognizes codons by binding to specific sites on the mRNA molecule. In the simulation, the ribosome can also interact with tRNA molecules, which bring the correct amino acids to the ribosome for incorporation into the growing polypeptide chain. This is similar to what happens in real cells, where tRNA molecules bring the correct amino acids to the ribosome for use in protein synthesis. Overall, the interaction between mRNA and ribosomes in the simulation is meant to closely resemble the process of translation that occurs in cells.

What cells parts does mRNA attach?

The mRNA attaches itself to a ribosome.

MRNA joins with what in the cytoplasm?


What moves during protein synthesis mRNA or rRNA?

mRNA moves out of the core (however, the mRNA is read by the ribosome, which is made up partly of rRNA; so while the ribosome slides along the mRNA, its rRNA moves also)

What two things is mRNA found in?

mRNA is found in the nucleus of a cell, ribosome or the cytoplasm.

The 5' cap of mRNA is important for what?

Protecting the mRNA while it travels from the nucleus to the ribosome.

Where does the process of translation do in mRNA?

The newly spliced mRNA binds to a ribosome. tRNA molecules migrate towards the ribosome, these tRNA molecules carries a specific amino acid. The ribosome allows two tRNA molecules into the ribosome at a time. The tRNA molecules have complementary anti-codons to the codons present on the mRNA strand. Two tRNA move into the ribosome and their anti-codons join to complementary codons on the mRNA strand. As one molecule leaves the ribosome, its amino acid forms a peptide bond with an amino acid on the adjacent tRNA molecule, with the help of ATP and an enzyme. As the ribosome moves along the the mRNA strand, a polypeptide chain is created. The ribosome stops reading the mRNA strand when it reaches a stop codon.

After leaving the nucleus mRNA joins with a ribosome where?


What anchors mrna during translation?
