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Q: How does natural selection affect hummingbird population?
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How could natural selection affect the songs that birds sing?

Through ongoing natural selection a population adapts to its enviroment

Is natural selection the only force that drives biological evolution?

No. Natural selection requires reproductive variation to work on. Besides reproductive variation and natural selection, there are various forces, biochemical as well as population dynamical, that affect the allelic composition of a population.

What happens to unnecessary traits during the process of natural selection?

How does natural selection affect undesirable traits?

How does environmental pressure affect natural selection?

When nothing happens to exert strong population pressure on that population, natural selection favors the allele frequency already present. When mutations cause new traits, natural selection weeds these traits out because they're not as efficient as the others.

How does non sexual natural selection affect the appearance of male guppie?

Because their population grows and their thing grows ;)

Which evolutionary mechanisms could affect allele frequencies in a population being maintained in captivity?

natural selection, genetic drift, and mutation

How does selection affect natural selection?

Organisms are affected by Natural Selection because Inherited characteristics affected the likelihood of an organism's survival and reproduction.

Which does natural Which does natural selection affect?

natural selection is basiclly only the strong survive which means it effects the weak by killing them but bernifits the strong

How does natural selection affect survival?

Natural selection is the process which determines the shark's evolution. It is humankind that is threatening the sharks' survival.

Which does natural selection affect populations or individuals?

Populations evolve, but individuals are selected. Natural selection affects individual organisms.

Does natural selection affect the survival of an individual or a species?


Does natural selection affect individuals populations or both?
