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It depends on what the communication was and the person that noted the communication.

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Q: How does nonverbal communication affect a person?
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How does nonverbal communication affect communication?

nonverbal communication helps you know more about the talking person, like the feeling he has right now or if he is telling the truth. It is a way to let you feel directly about the conversation, not only what you hear by ears. Also about eye contact

What are different examples of nonverbal communication?

Nonverbal communication involves hand gestures, winks of the eye, and nodding. Body language is a big part of nonverbal communication because a person can tell how another person is feeling just by noting how they are standing.

What is congruent communication?

A communication pattern in which the person sends the same message on both verbal and nonverbal levels.

What factors affect behavior in the workplace?

your inner confidence, your outward appearance, your verbal and nonverbal communication

Is texting verbal nonverbal communication?

Yes, texting (done on a cellphone) is verbal nonverbal communication.

Identify and explain five subfields within communication?

1.Nonverbal Communication can be ambiguous. 2.Nonverbal behavior can interact with verbal communication. 3.Nonverbal behavior can regulate interaction 4.Nonverbal behavior can be a powerful tool in establishing relationship-level meanings. 5.Nonverbal communication reflects cultural values.

Active listening is when you minimize your verbal and nonverbal communication, true or false?

Which statement is true when comparing verbal and nonverbal communication? Verbal messages are more important than nonverbal cues. Verbal and nonverbal communication always match. Individuals can exercise more control over nonverbal communication.

Why is it important to observe a person nonverbal behavior?

often conveys a message that is different from the verbal communication

How many type of communication?

Visual, verbal, and nonverbal are the three primary kinds of communication. Body language would be an example of nonverbal communication.

What is verbal nonverbal communication?

Verbal communication is when you are physically speaking to someone about something. Nonverbal communication is when your words are spoken through your body language.

What percent of communication is transmitted through nonverbal channels?

Psychologists have often stated that the majority of communication is transmitted through nonverbal channels. Dr. Albert Mehrabian argues that 55 percent of communication is nonverbal.

Why is nonverbal communication important to communication?

all the above