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Q: How does not recycling affect human society?
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What roles does society play in the recycling effort?

Society plays a crucial role in recycling by creating demand for recycled products, participating in recycling programs, advocating for sustainable practices, and pressuring governments and businesses to prioritize recycling and waste reduction. By raising awareness, changing consumer behaviors, and promoting the value of recycling, society can contribute to a more sustainable approach to waste management.

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How does recycling affect the earth?

In a way it helps the envioroment

How does recycling affect the economy?

i realy dont know

How does not recycling affect hummans?

it causes litter and otherstuff

How does recycling affect on the world?

recycling is inportant u need it in your life if you dont recycle you will suffer when the world is in danger

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A society in which people throw away stuff after they finish with it instead of recycling or reusing it.

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yes it makes two genes that came from a pathetic human being such as yourself

What can you write in a leaflet which is about encourage people to look after the environment?

Information on the effects of human action on the environment. How much one persons action can affect the environment. Simple things people can do such as recycling.