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One detects termites having eaten wood along the foundation of their home by the crumbling apart of wood and little white insect larve called termites. Termites when mature look like ants with wings. They will be living under that rotten wood when you pull it apart from the foundation.

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Q: How does one detect termite nests?
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How would I go about seeing if I have termite nests in my house?

You can hire a termite inspector to search through hard-to-reach areas in your house and find potential termite nests. Pay attention to moist areas or cracks on the floor and wall for termites.

What termite builds nests used by travelers to tell directions?

the magnetic termite that is found in the northern territory

How can I get rid of termite nests?

To get rid of a termite nest, it is probably best to hire a professional contractor in your area. I would look in the yellow pages in the phone book.

Does the kookaburra take over other birds nests?

No. Kookaburras are not nest raiders. They make their own nests in tree hollows, or in hollows within termite nests up in trees. They will use their strong beak to dig out the hollows to enlarge the space. They lay their own eggs in their own nests, and do not raid the nests of other bird species. However, kookaburras have been known to eat the chicks of other birds on occasion. This is not their normal diet, as they prefer to swoop down and collect small reptiles from the ground.

How does an anteater open an ant or termite nest?

Anteaters have very long claws on their hands. They use these to dig holes in termite nests and anthills. Then they use their long, narrow tongues to lick up ants or termites.

What does a numbat tear open?

Numbats will tear open termite nests and termite mounds with their sharp claws, in search of food. Termites form the main part of a numbat's diet, and once they have dug through to the termite nest, numbats will use their long, sticky tongue to collect the insects.

How can I find a termite nest?

When searching for termite nests, the best places to look are in 'voids' or hollow spaces. For example, hollow pillars, even in between walls where insulation is used. For starters look for soft, moisture damaged wood.

When do echidnas eat?

Echidnas like to burrow into termite mounds and eat the termites. They also break open non-termite ant nests and eat eggs/ adults/ larvae.

What type of nests do Kookaburras have?

Kookaburras do not make grassy nests or nests out of sticks and twigs. They lay their eggs in tree hollows, which they sometimes may enlarge with their strong beaks. They will also hollow out old termite mounds for nests. Here, they lay up to three eggs, usually two days apart. Blue-winged kookaburras also make their nests in the soft bark of the baobab tree.

Does a platypus growl?

No. Echidnas do not attack anything. They use their sharp-clawed feet to dig into termite and ant nests in order to reach the insects, but they certainly do not attack people.

Can fossils include animals worm burrows and termite nests?

yes. and feces, and gizzard stone piles, and petroleum, and leaf/feather impressions, etc. All fossils.

What are some of the signs that one might find if they have termites?

There are a couple different signs that one might have a termite infestation. Some signs of a termite infestation include: termite swarming and mud tops.