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Especially if you have to ask the most basic "how"....considering there are so many more much, much complex issues and decisions that need to be made of vital importance, and anything done wrong simply means you can not just get a result that isn't as good, but one that is actually bad...GET A LAWYER. Oh yeah....consider most all your creditors will. (And everyone will already know that BK is filed in a FEDERAL BANKRUPTCY COURTHOUSE --- its own special court and rules and laws - in whatever district your in.)

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Bankruptcy is a federal matter. There are different types of bankruptcy. This government website has a lot of helpful information on the various types, as well as information basics about filing, forms and other resources: Your best bet is to call around and find an affordable bankruptcy attorney in your area who can walk you through the process.

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Q: How does one file bankruptcy in Florida?
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Where can one file for bankruptcy in Florida?

Bankruptcy can be filed at the Bankruptcy court for the area you are in. For instance in Northern Florida, it's the Florida Northern District Bankruptcy Court.

You owe your sister money can you file bankruptcy on that loan?

If you file bankruptcy, you file bankruptcy on everything. You can not file bankruptcy on one loan.

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You cannot file a bankruptcy directed at one single debt.

How does one file for chapter 7 bankruptcy?

The first step is to talk with a bankruptcy attorney, then fill out the appropriate paperwork and file it with a bankruptcy court.

Bankruptcy if married can one spouse file bankruptcy independently from the other Is the one spouse then held responsible for the first spouse's debts if bankruptcy Is filed?

One spouse can file bankruptcy separately and both are held responsible.

How can one find out if one is able to file for bankruptcy?

To find out if one is able to file for bankruptcy, one should seek information from a lawyer or someone familiar with bankruptcy. Another option is to visit WikiHow's website.

Did Deltona Corporation file bankruptcy?

No they never did file for bankruptcy

Do you keep your car after you file bankruptcy?

It depends, usually after you file bankruptcy they take all your vehicles but one of them so that way you have one vehicle to get back and forth for emergencies. When you file bankruptcy and have a job, they usually limit the amount of money coming into your household too.

How many year after you file bankruptcy can you file bankruptcy aging?

If you are talking about a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, It takes 7 to 9 years after you can file bankruptcy again.

How often can one file bankruptcy for businesses?

The first step in filing bankruptcy for any business is to speak with a bankruptcy lawyer. There are many different types of bankruptcies and one needs to know which one to file before anything else can be done.

You live in Florida can you file bankruptcy on your debts with out it affecting your husband?

You can file bankruptcy individually instead of jointly but if your husbands name is on some of the accounts it may effect him. You would need to speak to an attorney and explain your situation in detail to get the right answer.

Did ballenger construction harlingen Texas file for bankruptcy?

No, they did not file for bankruptcy.