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You will feel pain and depending on how ingrown it is, you may not be able to see the edge. Try pushing down on the toenail which you suspect is ingrowing and if it hurts then the chances are you have one. it hurts a lot when pressure is put on the foot. Soaking in warm salt water or using a warm wet wash cloth wrap helps to soften the skin and release puss and relieve the pain, before pushing back the edge of the toe from the nail.

Wearing open toe shoes will help keep any pressure off the toe while the nail continues to grow out.

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14y ago
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13y ago

Toenail fungus doesn't come out of nowhere. It stats with an infection on a broken nail or developed through poor hygiene.

The first signs of a toenail fungus is when it changes color. It starts out whitish or yellowish on color. Through time if the infection is not treated well, the color will be dull yellow.

From that point for toes starts to swell and liquids starts to appear in you toes.

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12y ago

To know whether you have Toenail fungus, the common symptoms you would see are the nail thickens and is rugged. The nail starts to get ugly and out of shape and the color changes and in most cases it gets dull in color. The infected nail also gets detached from the nail bed.

The patient may experience pain in the toe and the toe will commonly have bad smell. It is better to consult the doctor the very moment you find the nail getting yellowishspot at the tip.

For more help on treatment for this problem please the refer in sources. Happy to help you.

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10y ago

The signs of toe fungus include thickened nail beds, a dull color in the nail, pain in the nail, distortion of the color of the nail, distortion of the shape of the nail, and dry or crumbly nails.

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Toe fungus is usually a species of Tinea.

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What is the toe fungus?

When mold grows on your toes.

Toe nail fungus?

Toenail fungus is caused by a group of fungus. Toe nail fungus causes disfiguration and discoloration of the nails. The affected nail becomes yellow or brown in colour. The nail could fall off or crumble easily. To prevent yourself from toe nail fungus keep your feet and nails clean. Wear cotton socks to absorb the moisture from your feet. Always keep your nails clean and trim them after they grow.

What is the probability of getting toe fungus from a pedicure?

It is not very likely to get toe fungus from a pedicure. You probably already had it and the chemicals that they used at the nail salon made it noticeable.

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Why do nail ridges turn black?

This may be due to the reason that your toe nail is at the verge of getting affected by the fungus and hence you will have to undergo natural toe nail fungus treatment.

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bananas, eggs, and toe fungus

How do you prevent nails getting yellow?

Don't Smoke You can use toe nail fungus treatments OR natural toe nail fungus treatment OR Nail Fungus Cures OR Cure For Yellow Nails OR Natural Cure For Athletes Foot. Little help by visiting this website:

What are the different ways to treat toe nail fungus to completely get rid of the pain?

Long term treatment (meaning 3-4 months) with oral medications is best for those people that are at risk of complications because of their toe nail fungus. There are also topical medications, home remedies and alternative medications that can also help treat toe nail fungus.

Is there a name of a nail disorder in which a new toe nail grows underneath an exisisting toenail?

Don't know of the name, but it sounds like a fungus... they do crazy things.

Why do you get toe fungus?

You can contract toe or foot fungus, such as athlete's foot or ringworm, by walking on wet floors such as bathrooms or swimming pool areas. Try wearing sandals in these areas, and also washing your feet and changing your socks frequently.