

Best Answer

You might try vehement total denial of the accusation.

Added: If you are the complainant and are unsatisfied with the outcome of the case against the defendant, there is very little you can do about it. As long as the defendant was not let off scot-free you should be happy that some type of justice was meted out. No one ever said the law was 'fair.'

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Q: How does one object to a lenient sentence?
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Make a sentence with the word lenient?

The judge's decision was lenient, she was only given a fine.

What is lenient sentencing?

A lenient sentence gives some leeway to the defendant and is less harsh than wanted or expected.

How do you use lenient in a sentence?

"The teacher was very lenient with our grades on the last test.""His father is very lenient when it comes to punishment"The judge was lenient when handing down a sentence of 5 years in jail to the prisoner for murder"He was very strict about his students being promptly on time, but given the snowstorm that had left the campus under two feet of snow, he was very lenient with the students who showed up ten or fifteen minutes late that day".The judge was lenient when handing down a sentence of 5 years in jail to the prisoner for murder

Will someone lose benefits if convicted of a felony no jail just probation?

A conviction is a conviction. Probation IS a sentence - - a lenient sentence but a sentence nonetheless.

What would you have to do to get the probation shortened?

File a motion with the judge that sentenced you to probation, to shorten your sentence. Since probation is a pretty lenient sentence, you would probably have to give some pretty good reasons why he should be even more lenient on you.

What is a 5 syllable sentence about love?

Love is undefined . . .

How do you use juvinile in a sentence?

He was given a more lenient sentence than an adult might have received because he was still a juvenile offender.

Is it possible to have a direct object and indirect object in one sentence?

Yes. Jack got a taxi for me. direct object - taxi indirect object - me

What is an object sentence?

An object sentence typically refers to a sentence structure where the subject performs an action on the object. For example, "She read a book." In this sentence, "She" is the subject, "read" is the action, and "a book" is the object of the action.

What is the direct object in the sentence- she is secure?

The verb does not have a direct object in the sentence, "She is insecure."

What is the direct object in the sentence He moved to California?

There isn't one. 'Move' here is used intransitively. However, in 'he moved his mother to California', the object would be 'mother'. There is no direct object in this sentence, only an indirect object (California).