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Q: How does oxygen get into the blood so quickly?
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Does oxygen and other gases enters the nose and travel down to the windpipe but only the oxygen enters the lungs?

They all enter the lung ... but the only one that quickly enters the blood is oxygen. Because oxygen is the one gas that has a higher partial pressure in "lung air" than its partial pressure in the "lung blood". Note that the blood's CO2 pressure is higher than the air in the lungs, so CO2 comes out of the blood into the lung's air.

How does the oxygen change to carbon dioxide?

The primary function of the respiratory system is to exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide. Inhaled oxygenenters the lungs and reaches the alveoli. Oxygen passes quickly through this air-blood barrier into the blood in the capillaries. Similarly, carbon dioxide passes from the blood into the alveoli and is then exhaled.

What pumps oxygen-rich blood to the body?

I think you meant "through the body". if that is so: the heart does, it pumps oxygen poor blood to your lungs. then the blood absorbs the oxygen with the help of diffusion. this is like smoke: smoke doesn't stay together, it goes to places where no smoke is. the same counts for your blood, there is no oxygen in it so the oxygen goes into your veins. then the heart pumps it around the body until the oxygen is used up. the process will start over again.Your heart.

What gas is found in cigarette smoke that stops the blood carrying to much oxygen?

Carbon Monoxide takes the place of oxygen on the red blood cells, so less oxygen can be carried around the body

What part of the blood carries oxygen?

The red blood cells carry the oxygen in blood.

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Why do birds have high blood pressure?

Because they have small bodies and they need a high blood pressure to fly.The blood carries oxygen and muscles use this oxygen. Flying uses this oxygen very quickly so naturally the heart has to pump it faster. This is the same situation with humans. When Humans run their heart rate and blood pressure increase to get more oxygen to those muscles being used.

Why cant you run for as long if you have less oxygen in your blood?

because your blood carries oxygen to you muscles. without much oxygen blood won't be able to take lots to your muscles, and with little oxygen your muscles won't work as well and therefore you won't run as quickly :)

Does oxygen and other gases enters the nose and travel down to the windpipe but only the oxygen enters the lungs?

They all enter the lung ... but the only one that quickly enters the blood is oxygen. Because oxygen is the one gas that has a higher partial pressure in "lung air" than its partial pressure in the "lung blood". Note that the blood's CO2 pressure is higher than the air in the lungs, so CO2 comes out of the blood into the lung's air.

Is oxygenated blood rich in oxygen?

To be "oxgenated" means the blood holds oxygen, so "oxygenated blood" carries O2 laden blood.

Why do you breathe faster when you exercise?

because when you exercise your muscles require more oxygen so your heart will beat faster to get the oxygen to the mucsles. since your blood goes through the lungs and your heart is beating faster you must breathe faster to get a sufficient amount of oxygen.

What is then functions of the respiratory system?

To supply blood with oxygen so the blood can deliver the oxygen throughout the body.

Why is it so important for blood to circulate through the lungs?

Because you need to do so to survive. Without blood circulating through the lungs, it would not be able to distribute oxygen to areas like muscle groups or the brain, and the body would quickly die.

Why does the oxygen need to travel into the blood?

All the cells require oxygen, and so the way of them getting it is via the blood.

Why does the blood flow through the lungs?

So the blood can pick up oxygen and release carbon dioxide.

How does the oxygen change to carbon dioxide?

The primary function of the respiratory system is to exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide. Inhaled oxygenenters the lungs and reaches the alveoli. Oxygen passes quickly through this air-blood barrier into the blood in the capillaries. Similarly, carbon dioxide passes from the blood into the alveoli and is then exhaled.

Does the blood vessel which carry blood from the heart to the lungs contain a lot oxygen?

Well, the lungs are where the oxygen is added to the blood. So, the short answer is 'no.' There may be some oxygen left, but the blood would probably be a deep blueish color. When the oxygen is added the blood turns red.

What those blood do?

it contains oxygen so you can breathe and it contains blood cells