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This kinda depends on where you are located and what kind of grasses you have. Up north, pasture grasses start to grow in April and put out their vegetative leaves before the flowering part or inflorescence shoots up. Grasses at the early stage of growth don't have much nutrient in them, especially when they are at the 3 to 4-leaf stage, plus they are the most sensitive to grazing at this time. Grazing your grasses when they reach about a foot in height is best for cattle that need a higher plane of nutrition, like stockers or lactating cows with calves. You must also graze quickly because grasses, in this stage of vegetation, grows quickly.

As the grass matures, it increases in fibre and decreases in protein and water content. 90% of the growth and energy is put into elongation and flowering out of the "grass head." Normally, with good grazing practices, you should not have your grasses to grow out like this; however in grazing systems where you are grazing native pastures or stockpiling you should allow the grasses to complete their life cycle.

After the grass has flowered and puts into seed, it dies off. Nutrient content tends to decrease after the grass goes into dormancy during the hottest portion of the year. You will find that cool season grasses, as I have referred to above, during the summer, even when grazed so that they are not allowed to fully mature, will decrease in vigour because of the heat. In the south, when the summers are hot and cattle still need to be grazed, warm-season grasses are grazed until autumn. Grazing warm-season grasses during this time tends to give the dormant cool-season grasses a bit of a break, enabling them to store energy to resume a little extra growth during the autumn.

Warm-season grasses start growth during June to July and quickly complete their life cycle by the time September rolls around. Nutrient levels are similar to the peaks and dips of cool-season grasses.

With good grazing practices, cool-season grasses tend to resume growth again, enabling more (but lighter) grazing before the killing frost hits and the snow falls.

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Q: How does pasture change over the year?
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