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Q: How does punching a shark on the nose help your life?
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Is it against the law to kick a shark?

Some shark species are endangered and protected, but if you are in danger of your life then you are allowed to kick a shark. Punching a shark on the nose or putting your fingers into its eyes are said to be better ways of scaring it off.

Does punching a shark in the nose really stop it from attacking you?

Punching a shark in the nose would hurt the shark, but not permanently It would only temporarily hurt the shark. Also if you got attacked by a shark, do try to punch it in the nose because it stuns the shark for a short time allowing you to get out of it's jaws or away.

Why do you hurt shark?

If a shark bites into your leg, your most likely going to lose it. People hurt sharks only temporarily by jabbing their eyes or punching their nose. It stuns the shark, allowing you to swim away and maybe keeping your leg.

Does a great white shark have a nose?

Yes, a shark has a nose.

How do you touch a shark?

Punch it in the face, try to aim for it's eyes

How do you escape a sharks attack?

It is said that you can escape a shark attack by punching it in the gills. I'm not sure if it is true though. It is actually said that the best way to escape an attack fom a shark is that you punch it on the nose because that is its weakest spot.

How do you stop a shark attack?

tap the shark on its nose and stay calm

What does a shark use its nose for?

It uses its nose for smelling its food and finding it.

How many pounds doe a blunt nose sixgill shark weigh?

a blunt nose six gill shark weighs 400 pounds

What ocean creature has the sharpest nose?


How do shark protect itself?

the saw on the nose

What is shark strongest sense?

Blood with nose